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研究生(外文):Chian-Ling cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Design of Experiment to Optimize Si3N4 Reactive Ion Etching in Fluorine-based Plasma
指導教授(外文):Yee-Shyi Chang
外文關鍵詞:Reactive ion etching (RIE)Design of Experiment (DOE)Taguchi robust design
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經由此實驗計畫的設計,吾人在CF4/O2 和 SF6/He 的系統中分別得到蝕刻率2600與500A/min,均勻性5和6%的成果且底切寬度為1500A;而在氣體比例小於1/1的CF4/He 混合氣體系統中,得到非等向性且光滑蝕刻表面的蝕刻特性。

Reactive ion etching (RIE) of silicon nitride in a plasma system, with fluorine-based gas mixture, had been studied using an experimental design. With the dimensions of devices decreasing, the etching characteristics, such as etching rate and uniformity of etching rate, must be controlled and some complex tradeoffs need to be managed. For this reason, we initiated a program to optimize etching characteristics using Taguchi robust design as a Design of Experiment (DOE) methodology. This DOE consisted of four major variable parameters, which were RF power, chamber pressure and two processing gas. Depending on analyzed data, the effects of the each variable on etching performance are discussed and main factor is examined. The physical and chemical explanations have been based upon the etching model obtained with the DOE. Overall Taguchi method is a helpful tool to optimize the experimental variables and the aimed etching performance was investigated by using the model. The experimentally optimal results are as follows: low etching rate, 500Å/min and applicable uniformity, 6% are achieved for the etching process with two kind of etching gas mixture, CF4/O2 and SF6/He together with measurements of plasma parameters. In addition, processes with CF4/He gas mixture with gaseous ratio ≦1/1 result in non-undercutting etching profile and smooth surface.

Chapter.1 Introduction……………………………..1
1.1 Introduction………………………………………………….1
1.2 The Respect of Research…………………………………..1
Chapter.2 Theorem in Experiment………………..3
2.1 Technique Overview………………………………………..3
2.2 Basic Physics and Chemistry of Plasma Etching……….5
2.2.1 Briefly comments on plasma generation……………..5
2.2.2 Reaction chain of plasma etching mechanisms……..5
2.3 Constructs of Design of Experiment (DOE)……………...6
2.3.1 TAGUCHI robust method………………………………6
2.3.2 The orthogonal array and experimental configurations
2.3.3 Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and analysis techniques..9
Chapter.3 Experiment……………………………16
3.1 Measurement of Undercut in SF6 Etch…………………18
3.2 Optimization of Etching Rate Uniformity in CF4/O2 Etch
3.2.1 Initial experiment: L9 experiment……………………..19
3.2.2 Confirmation run……………………………………….19
3.3 Optimization of Etching Rate Uniformity and Etching Rate In SF6/He Etch……………………………………...20
3.3.1 Initial experiment: L9 experiment…………………….20
3.3.2 Confirmation run……………………………………….20
3.3.3 Finding out the more appropriate conditions by analyzing the results of L9 design…………………….…….20
3.3.4 Measurement of undercut in optimal recipe of SF6/He Etch…………………………………………………………...21
3.4 Optimization of Etching Rate Uniformity and Low Etching Rate in CF4/He Etch………………………………………22
Chapter.4 Results and Discussions………….…32
4.1 Measurement of Undercut in SF6 Etch…………………32
4.2 Optimized Results in CF4/O2 Etch.………………………33
4.2.1 Results and analysis of L9 design…………………….33
4.2.2 Results and discussions of confirmation runs………35
4.3 Optimized Results in SF6/He Etch………………………38
4.3.1 Results and analysis of L9 design…………………….38
4.3.2 Results and discussions of confirmation runs………41
4.3.3 The more appropriate etching conditions……….…..42
4.3.4 Measurement of undercut in optimal recipe…………42
4.4 Optimized Result in CF4/He Etch………………………..44
4.4.1 Results and analysis of L4 design…………………….44
4.4.2 Results and Discussions of etching morphology……46
Chapter.5 Conclusion……………………………..86

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