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研究生(外文):Yuanyi Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Hydraulic Switch Micro-valve
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在完整的微流體系統中,大致包含了以下元件:微幫浦(micro pump)、微流道(micro channel)、微閥(micro valve)、流體感測器(fluidic sensor)等等。其中微閥是微流體系統中關鍵的元件,主要是用來控制流體的流動方向及流量,並可利用微閥的開合,輔助微流體系統的實驗操作流程。

In this paper, we present a novel micro valve. The micro valve is an important device of the micro fluid system. It can govern the direction and the flow rate of the fluidic flow. It can also control the process step of a chemical or bio reaction. For an active micro valve, it is often driven by heating, electrostatic, Pneumatics etc. With this novel design, the micro valve is driven by the difference of the pressure of the fluid flow. This is the first present that the driving force takes advantage of the fluid flow itself.
The micro valve contains a rotational mass and a pair of channel. With controlling the pressure of the input, we can control the mass rotation among three different angles. The three different angles determine the three kinds of transmission modes. From this, we can switch the fluid between the pair of channel.
This micro valve is fabricated by bulk micromachining. We etch the profile of the rotational mass and the channels by ICP technique. Next step, release the rotational mass in order to rotate freely. Finally, bond the silicon wafer and the Pyrex no. 7740 by anodic bonding technique.

目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 序論..................... 1
 1-1 引言........................... 1
1-2 各類主動式微閥簡介.................... 3
1-3 研究目的與動機...................... 9
第二章 結構設計................... 11
2-1 設計概念........................ 11
2-2 操作模式........................ 12
第三章 理論分析................... 14
3-1 二維流體分析...................... 14
3-2 洩漏問題........................ 17
3-2-1 流阻理論.................... 17
3-2-2 A→C & B→D傳輸方式.............. 19
3-2-3 A→D傳輸方式.................. 21
第四章 結構與製程規劃................ 24
4-1 尺寸設定........................ 24
4-2 製程設計........................ 25
4-2-1感應耦合電漿蝕刻................. 25
4-2-2 陽極接合..................... 26
4-2-3 製程規劃..................... 27
4-3 製程困難點....................... 32
4-3-1 高深寛比結構光阻塗佈.............. 32
4-3-2 微閥懸浮.................... 35
4-3-3 玻璃片開孔................... 37
第五章 目前工作進度與結論.............. 38
5-1 目前工作進度...................... 38
5-2 結論.......................... 40
參考文獻....................... 42

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