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研究生(外文):Jia-Bin Lin
論文名稱(外文):Copper Dishing Behavior During Chemical Mechanical Polishing
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Lin
中文關鍵詞:CMPdishing depth
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隨著超大積體電路(ULSI)製程的發展、多層金屬連接電路技術的複雜,對於每層表面的平坦化要求將更加嚴苛。為了增加導線的電傳導能力及阻抗電子遷移的能力,目前有使用銅材來代替鋁材的趨勢。 但是銅的機械性質較鋁材為軟,所以在化學機械拋光的加工過程中,在導線上產生碟狀缺陷的現象更加明顯。 如何藉由控制化學機械拋光的加工參數以減少碟狀缺陷的現象,是我們的研究目標。

The objective of this study was to establish an approach to simulate and predict the behavior of dishing. The dishing phenomenon was an key issue for the chemical mechanical planarization of wafer, especially when copper was used as the conducting material. It was believed that the dishing phenomenon was due to the selectivity of chemical erosion effect and the distribution of pressure will determine the final profile of the dishing. The established model required preliminary experiments to determine the material removal rate. Verification experiments will also be conducted to evaluate the proposed approach

Figure and Table Captions………………………………………………III
Chapter One Introduction……………………………………………...1
Chapter Two Literature Survey………………………………………..5
2.1 Polishing mechanism in the CMP process……………………….5
2.2 Dishing phenomenon in patterning wafers……………………….8
2.3 CMP models……………………………………………………..11
2.4 Summary………………………………………………………...19
Chapter Three Dishing Simulation Approach and Material Removal Tests………………………………………………….22
3.1 Approach to simulate dishing behavior……………………….…22
3.2 Material removal tests for copper and SiO2……………………..23
3.3 Test results and material removal models………………………..26
Chapter Four Simulation Study of Dishing Behavior and Material Removal………………………………………………41
4.1 Effects of process parameters on material removal……………..41
4.2 Effects of process parameters on dishing behavior……………..43
Chapter Five Verications Experiments………………………………62
5.1 Experimental design and setup for verification tests……………62
5.2 Results and discussions………………………………………….63
Chapter Six Comnclusions and recommendations…………………..78
6.1 Conclusions…………………………………………………….78
6.2 Recommendations for future research………………………….79

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