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論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Erasure Codes: Efficiency Analyses and Effective Applications
指導教授(外文):Fenn-Huei Simon Sheu
外文關鍵詞:FECerasure codecode ratetransport protocolns-2
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Occasional network congestions on the modern networks induce irksome packets dropping. This effect seriously challenges the protocol designs to preserve the integrity of information flows. While ARQ-variants precisely specify the exact data for retransmission, FEC-based schemes rectify the packet loss beforehand. They suffer either elongated correction time or excessive bandwidth consumption for delivery of supportive packets. This thesis presents an idea from analytical evidences to improve the amount of data applicable to the receiver for every unit of data sent from the sender. Consequently, the derived transport protocol can achieve the superior efficiency close to ARQ-variants and offer punctual data correction capability like FEC-based approaches. The performance results from experimental investigations concretely substantiate this favorable feature. We also present our prototype of media streaming system to demonstrate efficient delivery of multimedia content over the Internet. The incorporation of the adaptive erasure codes into the prototype and the corresponding design considerations are discussed in the end.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Analysis of Delivery Efficiency 4
2.1 The number of lost packets 4
2.2 The Decodable Probability of (n, k) Erasure Code 5
2.3 The Efficiency of (n, k) Erasure Coded Blocks 7
2.4 The Effect of Network Status and Block Size 9
2.5 rn,p* Estimation 13
2.5.1 r* Table 13
2.5.2 Approximating to r* 13
Chapter 3 Transport Protocol 16
3.1 Sender Side 16
3.1.1 Bursts 16
3.1.2 Feedback 17
3.2 Receiver Side 19
3.3 Flow Control 20
Chapter 4 Performence Study 21
4.1 Simulation Environment 21
4.2 Measurement 22
4.3 Constant Sending-rate, without Retransmission. 23
4.4 Constant Sending-rate, with Retransmission. 25
4.5 Flow Controlled Sending-rate 27
Chapter 5 Prototyping On-Demand Media Streaming Systems 32
5.1 Introduction 32
5.2 Framework and System Components 34
5.2.1 Sender 34
5.2.2 Receiver 36
5.2.3 Central Controller 38
5.3 Features 39
Chapter 6 Concluding Remark and Future Works 45
Bibliography 47

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