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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Liao
論文名稱(外文):Facial Modeling and Animation based on Muscle and Skull
指導教授(外文):Shi-Nine Yang
外文關鍵詞:facial expressionfacial modelingmuscle base
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Animating lifelike human facial expression is a challenging task in computer graphics. There are two major unsolved problems in it. One is how to construct lifelike human facial models and another is how to animate these models. Traditionally, facial models have been build painstakingly by manual digitization and animated by ad hoc parametrically controlled facial mesh deformations. More recently, the 3D scanner has been used to digitize facial models and they have achieved more realistic animation through the dynamic simulation of facial tissues and muscles. However, the facial models which from 3D scanning still required user assistance to construct individual facial models suitable for animating facial expression.
In this thesis, we present a construction and deformation method for head models with anatomical structure, suitable for real-time facial animation. Based on our facial modeling method, the skull is equipped with landmarks and skin thickness data of facial reconstruction and has the corresponding landmarks on skin, which allows us to deform the skull and skin in anthropometrically ways. We also have the muscle attachment points on skull and insertion points on skin, which allows us to automatically construct muscles. Finally, some feature points of MPEG4 on skin are used to deform our model to fit the individual facial model. On any deformed model, the underlying muscle and bone structure are adapted as well, such that the model is animatable using the same muscle contraction parameters.
We also use these muscles to achieve the expression retargeting and editing. Moreover, we show that the advantages of our algorithm are not only to reuse expression data but also to generate new expression data if muscle model is applied.
英文摘要 (Abstract)
致謝 (Acknowledgement)
目錄 (Contents)
圖形目錄 (Figures)
Chapter 1. 前言
1.1 研究動機
1.2 論文架構
Chapter 2. 相關成果介紹
2.1 虛擬人類 (Virtual human) 的相關標準
2.1.1 MPEG 4 -- SNHC (Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding)
2.1.2 H-ANIM (Humanoid Animation Working Group)
2.1.3 X3D (Extensible 3D Graphics)
2.1.4 HumanML (Human Markup Language)
2.1.5 FACS (Facial Action Coding System)
2.2 電腦臉部動畫的發展
2.2.1 臉部塑形 (Modeling faces)
2.2.2 電腦臉部動畫技巧 (Computer facial animation techniques)
Chapter 3. 基於肌肉之臉部表情合成法
3.1 臉部模型
3.1.1 解剖學
3.1.2 組成構造
3.1.3 中性臉部模型
3.1.4 個人化臉部模型
3.2 肌肉模型
3.2.1 線性肌函數
3.2.2 括約肌函數
3.3 臉部肌肉的建立
3.4 臉部表情的合成
3.4.1 表情資料的來源
3.4.2 表情資料的轉換
Chapter 4. 臉部表情之重置與編輯
4.1 表情的重置 (Expression Retargeting)
4.2 表情的編輯 (Expression Editing)
Chapter 5. 實驗結果與評量
Chapter 6. 結論與未來展望
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