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研究生(外文):Wen-Chun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Fixed Structure Sliding Mode Control (AFSSMC) of An Active Three-Phase Boost Rectifier
指導教授(外文):Prof. Ching-Tsai Pan
外文關鍵詞:Three-PhaseBoostRectifierAdaptive Fixed Structure Sliding Mode ControlAFSSMCSliding Mode Control
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摘 要
An active three-phase boost rectifier can easily be designed to achieve high power factor and low input current distortion. Hence, it has been widely applied in the industry, such as in rapid transit systems, arc furnaces, and as a dc-link of an ac/ac converter. Analyses and LC parameters design of the boost rectifier to fulfill proper performance requirements have been detailed in a previous thesis of a graduate of this lab. However, how to design a feedback controller to further improve the dynamic performance of the rectifier has not been finished yet.
In view of these, this thesis is aimed at the design of high performance dynamic controller. First, by using the derived DC model of the rectifier, the author proposes a feedforward control by using the concept of conservation of energy to achieve a fast response due to a step load change. Then, by using the derived small signal model, the author adapts the fixed structure sliding mode control (FSSMC) of a previous dissertation of a graduate of this lab to achieve the robust control as well as eliminating the chattering phenomenon. Due to the change of the operating point of the rectifier, the originally designed FSSMC designed may not be able to maintain the nice performance for all loading conditions. Hence, the author further proposes an adaptive FSSMC to achieve better performance. Detailed theoretical basis is given in the context. Finally, a prototype is also constructed to verify the feasibility of the proposed control. The proposed controller is implemented fully digitally with a DSP to reduce hardware components, the volume and to simplify the maintenance problems.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 本論文之貢獻 3
1.4 本論文之內容概述 4
第二章 數學模式之建立 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 狀態平均模式之推導 6
2.3 動態模式與等效電路之推導 15
2.4 L、C參數之選擇 18
(A) 輸出電壓Vo之邊界條件[20] 19
(B) 電感L之邊界條件[20] 20
(C) 電容C之邊界條件[20] 21
(D) 參數L、C的設計步驟[20] 23
第三章 適應性定結構滑模控制 28
3.1 前言 28
3.2 定結構滑模控制之理論基礎 28
3.3 定結構滑模控制 35
3.3 適應性定結構滑模控制 58
3.4 模擬結果 69
第四章 實體電路製作與實測結果 74
4.1 前言 74
4.2 實體電路製作 75
4.2.1電力電路 77
4.2.2控制電路 77
4-3 實測結果 86
第五章 結論 96
參考文獻 98
附錄A 閉迴路系統矩陣及特徵方程式之推導 104
附錄B 定結構滑模控制極點加成性定理 106
附錄C.1 定結構滑模控制模擬方塊圖 109
附錄C.2 適應性定結構滑模控制中次系統(Control Block)模
擬方塊圖 111
附錄D DSP程式 112
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