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研究生(外文):Shiuan-Fu Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Discussion and Design of Flash Memory Control
指導教授(外文):Tai-Lang Jong
外文關鍵詞:logical/physical address translationcache of structure dataflash memory management
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This thesis is a research about the design of flash memory control. As capacity of flash memory card grows, the design of flash memory control, which governs data in flash memory, is getting more important. We divide the issue of flash memory control design into several parts: logical/physical address translation, utilization of limited local memory, manners of caching data from flash memory to local memory and flash memory management. About those topics, a complete flash memory control model is built in this paper. Besides, the design has improved the speed of seeking free space and the tradition update-algorithm.
In flash memory management, the emphasis of cycle-leveling enhances the flash memory performance dramatically. It shows that besides good clean policy and fine data classification, cycle-leveling is also essential for flash memory management.
Finally, there will be a series simulation result which is computed from a developed software model of our design. It will be a strong proof of this design.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 Introduction of Flash Memory 3
2.1 Flash Memory Array Organization 4
2.2 Basic Operations of Flash Memory 5
2.3 Summary 8
Chapter 3 Flash Card System 10
3.1 System Architecture 12
3.2 Card Architecture 13
3.3 Translation Table Structure 16
3.4 Examples of Read and Write 18
3.5 Summary 22
Chapter 4 Flash Memory Management 23
4.1 Log-Like Structure 24
4.2 Cleanup Operation (Garbage Collection)26
4.3 Cycle Leveling 30
4.4 Data Classification 32
4.5 Summary 33
Chapter 5 Simulation Analysis and Crash Prevention 34
5.1 Improvement in Writing Speed 35
5.2 Advance Improvement in Writing Speed 39
5.3 Writing Speed Analysis with Consideration of Clean-Up 41
5.4 Flash Memory Management Analysis 44
5.5 The Prevention of Power Crash 47
5.6 Summary 49
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Discussion 50

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[11] Mei-Ling Chiang and R. C. Chang, “Cleaning Policies in Mobile Computers Using Flash Memory,” Accepted by Journal of Systems and Software.
[12] SD Group “SD Memory Card Specifications,” March, 2000.

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