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研究生(外文):Chen Jian-Hong
論文名稱(外文):A Computerized Skeleton Age Assessment Based on Phalangeal Image and Neural Network Approach
指導教授(外文):Tai-Lang Jong
外文關鍵詞:Bone ageneural networkpattern recognition
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This paper presents the details of the design and implementation of a computerized approach to phalangeal age assessment. Histogram of a CR (Computed Radiography) hand image to be analyzed is standardized first in the pre-processing stage, together with its location and orientation. Then the PROI (Phalangeal Region Of Interests) is defined and found. After the PROI is located, the image is segmented to binary. Age assessment using neural network, following the feature extraction stage, completes our experiment. The morphological features of the epiphysis of proximal phalanx of the third digit and the epiphysis of the third metacarpal bones are extracted to classify the skeleton age. Finding out a simple but powerful feature vector for skeleton age assessment is the main contribution in this study. The simulation results using the features are satisfactory, and we can get high accuracy within one year error for the database we have so far.

A. Pre-Processing 13
A-1 Extract the left hand 13
A-2 Rotation 14
B. Finding the PROI 18
C. Enhancement 20
D. LUM filters 22
D-1 LUM smoother 23
D-2 LUM sharpener 23
D-3 LUM filters 24
D-4 Asymmetric LUM filter 26
E. Segmentation 27
Ⅳ.Age Assessment — Neural Network 30
A. Network Architecture 31
B. Feature Vector 36
C. Learning Rule 38
D. Training 40
Ⅴ.Experimental Results 41
Ⅵ.Conclusion and Discussion 46

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