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研究生(外文):Chieu-Yu Lo
論文名稱(外文):Fast Update Mechanism for Ternary CAMs based on Multi-field Classifiers
指導教授(外文):Nen-Fu Huang
外文關鍵詞:TCAM UpdatesClassification
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TCAM是應用在封包分類器上的硬體解決方法。它能做到平行比對,只需在一個時間週期內即可完成封包分類,因此在效能上能高於軟體的封包分類器許多。不過它有著兩個缺點。第一,加入的分類規則其每一個欄位必須都是Prefix的格式,本論文提出一個方法將Range格式的分類規則轉換成數個Prefix格式的分類規則。第二,TCAM裡的分類規則隨著存放位置會有不一樣的優先權,造成更新多欄的分類器時,分類規則需要以優先權的順序來做排序,這將帶來一些效能上的瓶頸,本論文針對以上的問題提出解決方法,使得每增加一個分類規則到TCAM裡,搬移次數只會與重疊的分類規則有關並且小於重疊規則的數目。最後,本論文將上述的方法設計並實做到x86與Windows NT平台上。

With the exponential growth of the Internet and various services provided, several requirements such as the next generation Internet Protocol (Internet Protocol Version 6) and the technique of classifications are needed. However, to achieve the requirements described above, there are two issues. First, filters in multi-field classifiers have more complex overlapping situations than in single-field. The thesis proposes an algorithm to detect the overlapped filters in multi-field classifiers and judge the overlapping situations when adding a filter. Second, the processing time of classifications is according to the total length of all fields and the number of filters in classifiers. Higher layer classifications take more time to classify packet flows.
A Ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) is a hardware solution for classifying packet flows. TCAMs perform high-speed parallel search operations to promote the performance of classifiers. But the hardware architecture of TCAMs leads to two problems. First, filters inserted to TCAMs should be in the form of prefixes. To solve the problem, this thesis designs a method to translate from a range into prefixes. Second, locations in TCAMs and priorities of filters have relations. The relations cause a lot of updates to keep entries in decreasing order of priority in a classifier and bring about low performances. This thesis proposes a flexible and optimal method to update the TCAMs based classifiers, and gives simulation results to prove the practicability.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 4
2.1 Software Based in Single-Field Classifiers 4
2.1.1 Prefix-Length Ordering (PLO_OPT) Algorithm 5
2.1.2 Chain-Ancestor Ordering (CAO_OPT) Algorithm 6
2.2 Hardware Based in Single-Field Classifiers 7
2.3 Differences Between Single-Field and Multi-Field Classifiers 9
2.3.1 Overlapping Situations 9
2.3.2 Priority 10
2.4 Software Based in Multi-Field Classifiers 10
2.4.1 Priority Ordering Algorithm 10
2.4.2 Chain-Ancestor Ordering (CAO_OPT) Algorithm 12
2.5 Hardware Based in Multi-Field Classifiers 13
2.6 Conflict Detection 14
Chapter 3 Range-to-Prefix Algorithm 17
Chapter 4 Overlap-Detection Algorithm 21
4.1 Building Two Trie-Structures 22
4.2 Detecting Overlapped Filters 23
4.3 Overlapping Situations 25
4.4 Solving Ambiguous Ranges 26
Chapter 5 Location-Boundary Algorithm 27
5.1 The Initial State 27
5.2 Finding the Inserted Range 29
5.3 Choosing the Suitable Location 30
5.4 Special Cases 31
5.5 Removing Filters 34
Chapter 6 Simulation and Analyses 35
6.1 Simulation Model 35
6.2 Simulation Results 36
6.3 Simulation Analyses 39
Chapter 7 Designs and Implementation 41
7.1 The Architecture of the Classifier Card 41
7.2 The Designs for Table Management 42
7.2.1 Software Design 43
7.2.2 Hardware Design 46
Chapter 8 Conclusions 51
References 52

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