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研究生(外文):Chang Kao Hao
外文關鍵詞:Helmholtz eigenvalue problemanalytical solutionsemi-analytical solutioneigenfunction expansion methodcollocation method
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The purpose of this thesis is to solve the Helmholtz eigenvalue problems for the domain, which is connected with multiple rectangles, bounded by Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. First, we divide the whole domain into several rectangular regions and utilized the eigenfunction expansion method to obtain the potential function from each region. Then, the relationship of unknown potential coefficients can be formulated to get the analytical solutions by applying the continuity condition of each neighboring region and the orthogonality of eigenfunctions. However, it is difficult to acquire the analytical solutions due to complicated geometry. Therefore, as the collocation method is adopted to construct the simultaneous equations, the semi-analytical solution can be easily determined. Finally, in order to confirm the correctness of the process for deriving the analytical and semi-analytical solutions, a finite element scheme is employed. The results show that all procedures of our two methods are right and good performance of our programming.
第一章 緒論
1 - 1 前言
1 - 2 研究動機、目的及方法
1 - 3 研究範圍及內容
第二章 理論分析
2 - 1 緒論
2 - 2 問題描述與控制方程式
2 - 2 - 1 薄膜的自由振動問題
2 - 2 - 2 封閉聲場的聲壓振動問題
2 - 3 求解領域之形狀及邊界條件
第三章 Dirichlet邊界條件矩形組合領域之解析解
3 - 1 L形領域之解析解
3 - 2 U形領域之解析解
第四章 Dirichlet邊界條件矩形組合領域之半解析解
4 - 1 L形領域之半解析解
4 - 2 U形領域之半解析解
第五章 Neumann邊界條件矩形組合領域之解析解
5 - 1 L形領域之解析解
5 - 2 U形領域之解析解
第六章 Neumann邊界條件矩形組合領域之半解析解
6 - 1 L形領域之半解析解
6 - 2 U形領域之半解析解
第七章 模式驗証與數值計算例
7 - 1 Dirichlet邊界條件矩形組合領域之計算例
7 - 1 - 1 L形領域之數值計算例
7 - 1 - 2 U形領域之數值計算例
7 - 2 Neumann邊界條件矩形組合領域之計算例
7 - 2 - 1 L形領域之數值計算例
7 - 2 - 2 U形領域之數值計算例
第八章 結論
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