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研究生(外文):Wang, T. W.
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Effects of Egg Yolk Oils Prepared from Various Procedures Against Hyperlipoidemic Rats
指導教授(外文):Chang, C. M.
中文關鍵詞:卵 黃 油大 白 鼠膽固醇血症
外文關鍵詞:egg yolk oilsratsHyperlipoidemia
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大白鼠經餵食添加卵黃油飲食(處理組)四週後,大白鼠體重、肝重及肝體比均無顯著差異,在處理組中,血漿GOT與GPT有超過或接近危險指數顯示大白鼠肝臟組織有可能受損。血漿TC顯著降低,主要表現在VLDL-TC的大幅顯著下降;而處理組中除了溶劑萃取物的油層卵黃油(SEO組)外,血漿TG均呈現顯著降低,並且與VLDL-TG的降低現象一致,LDL-TG則僅PF組較控制組顯著的降低。而由VLDL-TC/HDL-TC之比值判斷,推測可能受到飼料中磷脂質之影響,使得肝臟周邊組織LPL之活性上升,增加VLDL轉變成LDL之速度。血脂TG的劇烈變化,推測可能為腸道吸收量下降,使得糞便TG量顯著增加;LPL活性上升,加速身體周邊組織對chylomicrons與VLDL中TG自血漿中移除;VLDL轉換為LDL之轉換速率減緩,造成VLDL remnants以較小顆粒的IDL狀態存在,而呈現VLDL上之TC/TG比值上升的情況。
Egg yolk oil extracts were prepared by either 260℃ pan-fried (PF) traditional method or extracted with different ratio of ethanol, acetone, and hexane solvent mixtures. Among these methods, PF showed the lowest yield, 33.12%, while solvent extractions had yields between 37 to 50%.
One of the crude solvent extract (SEM) were separated by centrifugation into cream (SEC) and oil (SEO) fraction which the later has composition similar to PF in terms of its phospholipids, cholesterol and triglyceride contents. Further, Wistar rats were selected to study for the effects of different yolk oil preparations on their lipid metabolism.
After 4 weeks in a hypercholesterolemic, with 5% yolk oil added diet, test animals were sacrificed and various lipid metabolic indicators were measured. Results showed that there were no significant differences in body and liver weight, but all treatment groups showed significantly increased plasma GOT and GPT. Significant decreased plasma total cholesterol (TC) was observed among all treatment groups that reflected principally on the decreased VLDL-TC. Plasma TG also showed the same trend of decreases except for SMO treatment. All treatments showed increased fecal TC while only PF had significantly increased fecal TG.
Results suggested that the decrease of plasma TC might be attributed to the decreased absorption of dietary cholesterol, increased rate of cholesterol secretion to intestine in the form of bile salts, increased peripheral lipoprotein lipase activities, and increased rate of reverse transport of tissue cholesterol to liver by way of HDL. On the other hand, the effects of PF yolk oil on plasma TG reduction may be result from decreased rate of dietary TG absorption, decreased rate of VLDL to LDL conversion, and possibly changed particle size of VLDL to IDL.
目 錄
(1) 磷脂質之來源不同………………………………………………10
(2) 磷脂質之攝食劑量不同…………………………………………11
(3) 磷脂質之成份不同………………………………………………12
(七)卵磷脂和膽汁的比例對於Pancreatic Lipase活性的影響…………17
1. 蛋黃顆粒的製備…………………………………………………19
2. 溶劑的選用………………………………………………………19
3. 萃取的方法………………………………………………………20
1. 飼料油脂脂肪酸分析……………………………………………24
2. 血漿分析…………………………………………………………25
3. 肝臟之分析………………………………………………………30
4. 肝臟酵素分析……………………………………………………32
5. 糞便中脂質之分析………………………………………………34
6. 尿液中蛋白質含量的測定………………………………………35
7. 統計分析…………………………………………………………35
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