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論文名稱(外文):Genetic Algorithm Based PID Control for a Nonlinear Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output System
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In this thesis, we investigate a control problem involving an experimental propeller setup that called the twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS). The control objective is to make the beam of the TRMS move quickly and accurately to the specified positions, both the pitch angle and the azimuth angle . The purpose of this research is to apply Genetic Algorithms (GA) to finding the PID controller parameters. The GA is based on emulating the natural evolution process. It follows Darwin’s principal of “Survival of the fittest”, which always searches for the global optimum under the system constraints. Computer simulations and experimental results show that a controller designed using a GA can improve the TRMS response. However, the search area for the PID parameters will influence the GA search result. A nonlinear control design (NCD) is utilized for the pre-search process. The NCD blockset provides a Graphical User Interface to assist in time domain base control design. With this blockset, one can tune the parameters within the nonlinear SIMULINK model to meet time domain performance requirements by graphically placing the constraints within a time domain window. The NCD blockset automatically converts the bounded constraint data and tunable variable information into a constrained optimization problem. The search results could be local optimum or global optimal. We use the NCD blockset to search the PID parameter area first, and then use the GA to find the fittest PID parameters. This could increase the chance for finding the global optimum. The structure used for searching for the PID control parameters is a combination of the NCD and GA. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method is practically successful in tracking the reference position not only in computer simulations but also in the real TRMS.
摘要(中文) i
摘要(英文) ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文貢獻 3
1.4 論文大綱 3
第二章 TRMS基本架構及其PID控制 4
2.1 系統描述 4
2.2 數學模式推導及狀態方程式之描述 5
2.3 解耦合的TRMS之數學模式 11
2.4 系統參數特性 13
2.5 PID控制理論 13
2.5.1 PID控制的特色 13
2.5.2 PD控制器 15
2.5.3 PI控制器 16
2.5.4 PID控制器參數的調整 17
2.5.5 積分終結 18
2.6 自由度控制系統的定義 19
2.7 TRMS之1-DOF及2-DOF的PID控制器 20
2.8 TRMS之系統模擬架構 23
2.8.1 TRMS之1-DOF水平部分系統模擬架構 23
2.8.2 TRMS之1-DOF垂直部分系統模擬架構 25
2.8.3 TRMS之2-DOF系統模擬架構 27
2.9 結合PID控制器與TRMS之系統之系統模擬架構 28
2.9.1 1-DOF水平方向PID控制控制系統 28
2.9.2 1-DOF垂直方向PID控制控制系統 29
2.10 系統模擬結果 29
第三章 結合基因演算法之PID控制器 32
3.1 基因演算法的興起其應用 32
3.2 基本概念 32
3.3 基因演算法則之特點 33
3.4 編碼型基因演算法則 34
3.4.1 物種形式 34
3.4.2 二進位型基因演算法則基本運算步驟 37
3.5 實數型基因演算法則 40
3.5.1 物種形式 40
3.5.2 實數型基因演算法則基本運算步驟 40
3.6 以基因演算法進行PID控制器參數搜尋的結果 41
3.7 TRMS響應圖形 48
3.8 結果分析 64
第四章 NCD之預搜尋對基因演算法之影響與結果 65
4.1 NCD之介紹 65
4.2 NCD之數學模式 66
4.2.1 非約束最佳化 66 Quasi-Newton Methods 67 Quasi-Newton Implementation 68
4.2.2 約束最佳化 71 Sequential Quadratic Programming 73 SQP Implementation 74
4.3 系統模擬架構圖 78
4.4 NCD尋優程序之步驟 79
4.5 NCD之預搜尋與基因演算法尋找最佳值的關係 82
4.6 NCD之預搜尋與基因演算法細部搜尋的結果 82
4.7 TRMS響應圖形 86
4.8 結果分析 94
第五章 結論與未來展望 99
5.1 結論 99
5.2 未來展望 100
參考文獻 101
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