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論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Comparison of Digit Recognition Using Neural Network Approaches
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Pattern recognition has been developed for years. The major purpose is to bestow the ability of pattern recognition upon a machine. However, because of the information explosion in recent years, the number of documents that need to be managed has grown rapidly. Because handling documents by hand requires a lot of time and labor, many researchers have applied different artificial intelligence pattern recognition methods to reduce the use of manpower. Among these methods, the neural network is the most widely adopted. However, all of the researches that used the neural network in the field of pattern recognition have involved network structure or learning method improvements. There is no comparison and analysis based on traditional neural network applications to pattern recognition. Neural networks, classified by network structure, could be roughly divided in two categories: feedforward network and recurrent network. This research puts focus on three kinds of neural networks that can be applied to pattern recognition. They are the Backpropagation Network, Probabilistic Neural Network, Radial Basis Function Network, Hopfield Network, Adaptive Resonance Theory Network, and Bidirectional Associative Memory Network. In the digit recognition examples, hazy numerals or cluttered numerals are recognized and compared by these neural networks. The tolerance limit to the clutter and the memory capacity with respect to different neural networks are analyzed. Through the tolerance limit, memory capacity, mathematical calculations, and characteristics of each network, the analysis and the comparison are presented. This study provides another approach for comparison with other researches that focus only on the identification success rate in text recognition.
摘要(中文) Ⅰ
摘要(英文) Ⅱ
致謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 類神經網路的歷史 1
1.2 類神經網路的應用 3
1.3 研究動機 4
1.4 研究目的 4
1.5 論文大綱 5
第二章 類神經網路與文字辨識概述 6
2.1 何謂類神經網路 6
2.2 類神經網路之基本架構 7
2.3 類神經網路之分類 9
2.4 類神經網路的特性 11
2.5 文字辨識概說 12
2.6 相關文獻回顧 13
第三章 前饋式類神經網路數字辨識 21
3.1 倒傳遞類神經網路 21
3.1.1 倒傳遞網路演算法 21
3.1.2 倒傳遞演算法的推導 24
3.1.3 倒傳遞網路的重要參數 28
3.1.4 倒傳遞神經網路的評價 30
3.1.5 模擬結果與討論 31
3.2 機率神經網路 41
3.2.1 機率神經網路演算法 44
3.2.2 機率神經網路的優缺點 45
3.2.3 模擬結果與討論 46
3.3 半徑式函數網路 49
3.3.1 網路架構 50
3.3.2 網路演算法 50
3.3.3 模擬結果與討論 52
第四章 遞迴式類神經網路數字辨識 61
4.1 霍普菲爾網路 61
4.1.1 由能量觀點來看網路的運作過程 61
4.1.2 Hopfield網路演算法之證明 62
4.1.3 Hopfield網路容量問題 65
4.1.4 Hopfield網路之優缺點 65
4.1.5 模擬結果與討論 66
4.2 適應共振理論網路 81
4.2.1 ART1 演算法 82
4.2.2 網路架構 84
4.2.3 ART1的設計原理 85
4.2.4 模擬結果與討論 86
4.3 雙向聯想記憶 92
4.3.1 BAM網路的記憶和回想 92
4.3.2 雙向聯想記憶網路的特性 95
4.3.3 模擬結果與討論 95
第五章 結論與展望 109
參考文獻 111
附件一 115
附件二 116
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