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論文名稱(外文):Beamformer design using two-dimensional rectangular array
外文關鍵詞:beamformerambiguity surfaceSSF
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1-D uniform linear array (ULA) beamformer would cause a conical ambiguity surface, and the beamformer would be aliased by the propagating signals coming from this conical surface. Therefore in this thesis, we are not only using 1-D ULA to design the beamformer but also using the 2-D rectangular array to overcome the problem.
For wideband signal processing, most focussing algorithms require preliminary estimate of the source angle resulting in the estimation bias. In this thesis, we adopt signal subspace focussing (SSF) method to design a wideband beamformer to omit preliminary estimate of the source angle.
Finally, we adopt the column vector focusing method to design the wideband beamformer. Using this method, we can avoid the eigenvalue decomposition when estimate the signal subspace in SSF is estimated, therefore reducing the computational complexity.

第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 論文架構介紹 3
第二章 束波器的基本觀念 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2. 束波器的簡介 5
2.3. 方位定義 7
2.4. 束波之權重 8
2.5 波束圖 10
2.6. 窄頻與寬頻 11
第三章 窄頻束波器之設計 14
3.1. 延遲和束波器 14
3.1.1. 原理介紹 15
3.1.2. 二維矩形陣列延遲和束波器 17
3.1.3. Dolph-Chebyshev Taper之應用 20
3.2. 最小變異無失真響應(MVDR)束波器 23
3.2.1. 原理介紹 23
3.2.2. 二維矩形陣列MVDR束波器 27
3.2.3. Dolph-Chebyshev Taper之應用 28
3.3. 模擬結果 30
3.3.1. 電腦模擬(一) 30
3.3.2. 電腦模擬(二) 35
第四章 寬頻束波器之設計 40
4.1. 前言 40
4.2 寬頻信號模型 42
4.3. 以訊號子空間聚焦法為基礎之寬頻MVDR束波器45
4.4. 以行向量聚焦法為基礎之寬頻MVDR束波器 50
4.5. 模擬結果 56
第五章 結論與未來展望 62
參考文獻 64

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