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研究生(外文):ShenShing Chen
論文名稱(外文):Improvements in Error Rate of the Wavelet-Based MC-CDMA Using the Adaptive Wavelet Transform-Domain RLS Algorithm
指導教授(外文):FuSheng Lu
外文關鍵詞:multi-carrierwaveletadaptive agorithm
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During the processing of transmitting information,
the multipath effect and intersymbol interference (ISI)
are unavoidable.Therefore,this thesis adopt the wavelet-based multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) system
and fast wavelet transform recursive least square (FWTRLS) algorithm to improve the communication quality. Besides the better orthogonality, wavelet can scale and translate easily.
Therefore, in many cases, the wavelet transform performs better than the Fourier transform. MC-CDMA could eliminate not only multipath effect but ISI and promote the data rate.
FWTRLS has much faster convergence rate and better convergencing results than normal time domain ones. We could apply FWTRLS algorithm in wavelet-based MC-CDMA to
reduce the bit error rate and make the communication quality perfect.

第一章 序論............................................1
1.1 背景簡介.......................................1
1.2 研究動機與研究目的.............................3
1.3 各章節內容概述.................................3
第二章 小波轉換概論.....................................5
2.1 小波轉換簡介...................................5
2.2 比例函數的介紹.................................6
2.2.1 比例函數.......................................6
2.2.2 比例函數的產生.................................8
2.3 由多解析空間來看小波函數.......................9
2.4 多解析轉換.....................................11
2.4.1 拆解分析.......................................12
2.4.2 合成分析.......................................13
2.5 濾波器程式庫...................................14
第三章 正交分頻多工調變.................................18
3.1 OFDM系統簡介...................................18
3.2 使用快速傅立葉轉換調變和解調變.................19
3.3 結合OFDM和CDMA系統.............................21
3.4 直序展頻CDMA簡介...............................22
3.5 MC-CDMA簡介....................................22
3.6 MC-DS-CDMA簡介.................................23
3.7 小波基底MC-CDMA簡介............................23
3.8 多使用者的情況.................................25
第四章 小波域可適性演算法.............................33
4.1 前言...........................................33
4.2 傳統的小波域LMS簡介............................34
4.3 移除重複部分...................................36
4.4 FWTLMS演算法...................................39
4.5 FWTRLS演算法...................................40
4.6 模擬結果與分析.................................43
4.6.1 小波基底與傅立業基底的比較.....................43
4.6.2 小波基底MC-CDMA下改變使用者數目................45
4.6.3 快速小波域演算法...............................47
4.6.4 小波基底MC-CDMA結合快速小波域演算法............48
第五章 結論與未來發展.................................54
5.1 結論...........................................54
5.2 未來發展.......................................55

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