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研究生(外文):Chiu, Yu-Liang
論文名稱(外文):The Mechanism of Breakup and Atomization for Liquid Jets
指導教授(外文):Chuech, S. G.
外文關鍵詞:Liquid jetsBreakupThe growth rates of unstable wavesAtomization
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對於高速液體噴流,本研究考慮液體噴流由圓管噴嘴等速射出,並假設該噴流表面在一開始時,受到一微小的餘弦波擾動,將藉由微小擾動原理所推導的流體連續及動量擾動方程式(包括軸向及徑向),進一步推導出表面不穩定波成長率之擴散方程式。在本研究中進行該擴散方程式的全解分析,並利用不穩定波成長率的計算結果,提出霧化模式以計算高速液體噴流霧化液滴的大小。在本研究中液滴大小以計算SMD(Sauter Mean Diameter)為主,並以文獻中之實驗結果比較,以證實本研究的高速噴流斷裂與霧化模式之精確性及適用性。

Most past studies regarding the breakup of low speed liquid jets only predicted the jet breakup and drop formation without providing any structural information in the internal flow field for understanding the jet breakup mechanism. In the present study, a cylindrical liquid jet issued from a nozzle at a constant velocity was first considered. It was assumed that the jet surface was initially disturbed with a consinusoidal wave with an infinitesimal amplitude. By the method of small perturbation, the equations of motion were derived, including continuity, and axial and radial momentum equations. The continuity and momentum equations in the transient form were integrated on an adaptive grid, conforming the jet and surface wave shape. The system of equations were numerically solved by a TVD (i.e. Total Variation Diminishing) scheme. The solutions included jet radius variations, axial and radial velocities in the disturbed flow field, and the formation of main and satellite drops. Among them, the numerical results of the flow structure were especially useful for analyzing the jet breakup mechanism. By comparing with measurement data in the literature, the present computational results showed a fairly good correspondence and indicated the practice of the numerical model in the present study.
For the high speed jet breakup, the present study also considered a cylindrical liquid jet issued from a nozzle at a constant velocity with the same assumption as the low speed jet. In the high speed model, the dispersion equation for governing the growth rates of unstable waves on the jet surface was derived from the perturbation equations of continuity and momentum equations. The general solutions for the dispersion equation were used to compute the drop sizes in the high speed jet atomization by an atomization model which was proposed in the present study. The Sauter mean diameters (SMD) of the drops in the atomization process were compared with experimental data in the literature to validate the accuracy and suitability of the present models for the jet breakup and atomization of high speed liquid jets.

第一章 簡介--------------------------------------------------1
1-1 研究動機-------------------------------------------------1
1-2 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------------2
1-3 研究目標-------------------------------------------------7
第二章 理論模式----------------------------------------------9
2-1-1 間接模擬理論----------------------------------------10
2-1-2 直接模擬理論----------------------------------------15
2-2-1 高速液體噴流破裂模式--------------------------------22
2-2-2 高速液體噴流霧化模式--------------------------------27
第三章 結果與討論--------------------------------------------30
3-1-1 低速噴流不穩定波成長--------------------------------30
3-1-2 直接數值分析與非線性間接理論之比較--------------- -37
3-1-3 附隨液滴的形成--------------------------------------46
3-1-4 噴流斷裂的機制--------------------------------------53
3-2 高速液體噴流之斷裂---------------------------------------67
3-2-1 高速噴流不穩定波成長--------------------------------67
3-2-2 噴流表面破裂與霧化----------------------------------81
第四章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------90
4-1 低速液體噴流之結論與建議---------------------------------90
4-2 高速液體噴流之結論與建議---------------------------------94

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