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Aggregate (sand and stone) is an essential resource for construction. The scope of this study is on the planning for installation of the aggregate terminal at the port of Taichung, and with a case study on the site allo-
cation of an aggregates zone for meeting with the import demanding as well. In addition, a study of the related pollution treatments is involved, since it was doubted by the environmental protection groups as an anno-
uncement of the aggregate importing was made by the Taichung Harbor Bureau.
The options for the best sites of aggregate terminals and a special zone were evaluated via the “multi-criteria decision making analysis”. It is hopefully to take the advantages (such as hinterland, accessing network, storage capability, and the requirement of construction, etc.) of the port of Taichung to create a vertically integration of the suppliers of cement, agg-
regate and the related industrial sectors, that makes a grouping effect whi-
ch carries out following results.
1) Lowering the cost of transportation.
2) Creating job opportunities, prospering local townships, and improving traffic safety as well.
3) Retaining industries to the port of Taichung and booming the through-
put of the port.
4) Prohibiting illegal aggregate excavation and stabilizing its price via import policy.
The ideal location for the aggregate terminal and the exclusive aggregate zone was evaluated with the concepts of which combining the demands of engineering, environment and marketing. The wharves #4B, #4C, #5B and #5C, are the best zone location and Wharf #5A could be an aggregate terminal in short term. Wharves #4B, #4C, #5B and #5C should be invested as for the terminals of aggregate in the medium and long term operation. It was found out in the study that there is a demand for importing aggregate, but there wasn’t such volume in practice. For improving the competitiveness of importing aggregate, prohibiting illegal excavation and starting the direct sail to main land China are suggested.
Aggregate (sand and stone) is an essential resource for construction. The scope of this study is on the planning for installation of the aggregate terminal at the port of Taichung, and with a case study on the site allo-
cation of an aggregates zone for meeting with the import demanding as well. In addition, a study of the related pollution treatments is involved, since it was doubted by the environmental protection groups as an anno-
uncement of the aggregate importing was made by the Taichung Harbor Bureau.
The options for the best sites of aggregate terminals and a special zone were evaluated via the “multi-criteria decision making analysis”. It is hopefully to take the advantages (such as hinterland, accessing network, storage capability, and the requirement of construction, etc.) of the port of Taichung to create a vertically integration of the suppliers of cement, agg-
regate and the related industrial sectors, that makes a grouping effect whi-
ch carries out following results.
1) Lowering the cost of transportation.
2) Creating job opportunities, prospering local townships, and improving traffic safety as well.
3) Retaining industries to the port of Taichung and booming the through-
put of the port.
4) Prohibiting illegal aggregate excavation and stabilizing its price via import policy.
The ideal location for the aggregate terminal and the exclusive aggregate zone was evaluated with the concepts of which combining the demands of engineering, environment and marketing. The wharves #4B, #4C, #5B and #5C, are the best zone location and Wharf #5A could be an aggregate terminal in short term. Wharves #4B, #4C, #5B and #5C should be invested as for the terminals of aggregate in the medium and long term operation. It was found out in the study that there is a demand for importing aggregate, but there wasn’t such volume in practice. For improving the competitiveness of importing aggregate, prohibiting illegal excavation and starting the direct sail to main land China are suggested.
1. 經濟部礦業司,北部地區陸上砂石資源調查評估計畫報告書,民國89年10月。
2. 交通部運輸研究所港灣技術研究中心、宇泰工程顧問有限公司,臺灣地區整體國內商港暨漁港客貨碼頭發展規劃,民國90年6月。
3. 經濟部礦業司,台灣地區農地砂石資源之調查評估與開發研究計畫報告書,民國89年10月。
4. 經濟部,八十九年度砂土石產銷調查計畫報告,民國89年12月。
5. 經濟部礦業司,中華民國台灣地區八十九年礦產品統計,民國90年6月。
6. 台灣省政府交通處港灣技術研究所,台灣地區國際港埠與亞太地區重要港埠裝卸設施及裝卸效率之比較研究,民國85年6月。
7. 經濟部礦業司,台灣南部地區陸上砂石資源之調查與開發規劃報告書,民國87年6月。
8. 經濟部礦業司、經濟部礦務局,八十八年度陸上土石資源規劃高屏地區陸上土石資源調查評估規區,民國89年1月。
9. 經濟部礦業司,台灣北部地區砂石資源分佈圖之建置計畫報告書,民國90年12月。
10. 交通部運輸研究所、鼎漢國際工程顧問公司,砂石轉運之可行性研究,民國91年2月。
11. 經濟部工業局,水泥製品業環保工安整合性管理技術指引,民國89年12月。
12. 經濟部工業局,水泥業工安環保整合性技術手冊,民國89年9月。
13. 花蓮港務局,花蓮港砂石專區及客運區規劃正式告書,民國88年11月。
14. 張世平,嘉義外海海砂資源開發經濟效益評估,成功大學資源工程研究所碩士論文,民國八十三年。
15. 經濟部礦業司,台灣地區砂石供需體系之研究,民國87年6月。
16. 交通部運輸研究所,砂石料源及取棄土專案規定研究,民國88年。
17. 交通部運輸研究所,汽車運輸業靠行營運問題之研究,民國85年。
18. 內政部警政署網站。
19. 行政院研考會,以政策執行觀點探討砂石車管理策略之研究,民國89年7月。
20. 李癸琳,台中港倉儲轉運專區發展問題之研究,交通大學交通運輸研究所碩士論文,民國89年6月。
21. 台灣省政府交通處港灣技術研究所,台灣地區整體國際港埠發展規劃,民國85年。
22. 台灣省政府交通處港灣技術研究所,台中港整體規劃及未來發展計畫,民國85年。
23. 郭塗城,港埠設施規劃方法或模式比較探討,第一屆航運管理研討會論文集,民國86年。
24. 經濟部,砂石供應開發方案,民國89年。
25. 交通部台中港務局,台中港47號砂石碼頭新建工程計畫書,民國89年。
26. Ernst G. Frankel,“Port Planning and Development”
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