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研究生(外文):Hung-Ta Ke
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Antioxidative and Volatile Components of Pogostemon cablin
指導教授(外文):Jeng-De SuCharng-Cherng Chyau
外文關鍵詞:Pogostemon cablinAntioxidative componentsVolatile components
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本研究探討藿香(植物基源為廣藿香Pogostemon chablin)之抗氧化成分,與其揮發性成分,主要分為以下兩個項目:
廣藿香粉末依序以正己烷、乙酸乙酯及甲醇萃取、過濾、濃縮後檢測其抗氧化性,三種溶劑萃取物之抗氧化性依序為BHA>甲醇萃取物>α­生育醇>乙酸乙酯萃取物>正己烷萃取物>控制組。選擇具抗氧化較佳之廣藿香甲醇萃取物,經XAD-7液相層析區分出顯現強抗氧化性的沖提部分,利用高效液相層析法分析,選擇具抗氧化性,且所含成分較不複雜之區分,重複以高效液相層析分離純化,藉各種光譜分析法鑑定,得到三種純化物質,分別為adenosine、4-hydroxyethyl-catachol-1-O-(2’-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-β- D- gluco- pyranoside及ο-coumaroyl-β- D- glucopyranoside。
廣藿香粉末利用水蒸氣蒸餾-溶劑萃取法及超臨界二氧化碳萃取法萃取揮發性成分,並分析其化學組成及檢測揮發性成分與廣藿香不同溶劑萃取物之抗氧化性。結果顯示,廣藿香揮發性萃取物經GC及GC-MS分離鑑定,共鑑定出19種化合物,其中醇類6種,烯類10種,酯類1種、酸類1種及1種酚型化合物。各種萃取物抗氧化性利用硫氰酸鐵法檢測,其強弱依序為BHA>甲醇萃取物>α-生育醇>乙酸乙酯萃取物> 正己烷萃取物>超臨界二氧化碳萃取物>水蒸氣蒸餾-溶劑萃取物>控制組。
The purposes of this study were to investigate antioxidative and volatile components from Pogostemon chablin. The results were summarized as the following:
(1) The antioxidative components of Pogostemon chablin
The ground powder of Pogostemon chablin was extracted with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. The antioxidative activity of the extract was measured by the ferric thiocyanate method. The order of antioxidative activity was : BHA > methanol extract > α-tocopherol > ethyl acetate extract > n-hexane > control. Due to the strong antioxidative activity of methanol extract, it was fractionated and isolated by various chromatographies to obtain three pure components— adenosine、4-hydroxyethyl- catachol-1-O- (2’-α- L- rhamnopyranosyl)-β- D- glucopyranoside及ο- coumaroyl-β- D- glucopyranoside.
(2) Volatile components of Pogostemon chablin
The volatile extract was obtained from Pogostemon chablin by Likens-Nickerson extraction and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. It was isolated and identified by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The 19 components of the volatile extract had been identified, including 6 alcohols, 10 terpenes, 1 ester, 1 acid and 1 phenolic compound . The antioxidative activity of the volatile extract and the various solvent extract was analyzed by the ferric thiocyanate method. The order of antioxidative activity was: BHA > methanol extract >α-tocopherol > volatile extracts > ethyl acetate extract > n-hexane > supercritical carbon dioxide extract > Likens-Nickerson extraction > control
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------- Ⅳ
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------- Ⅶ
第一章 前言----------------------------------------------- 1
第二章 抗氧化分之研究-------------------------------- 4
第一節 文獻整理----------------------------------------- 4
第二節 抗氧化成分之研究----------------------------- 45
材料介紹----------------------------------------- 45
材料與方法-------------------------------------- 46
結果與討論-------------------------------------- 52
第三章 揮發性成分之研究----------------------------- 91
第一節 文獻整理----------------------------------------- 91
第二節 揮發性成分之研究----------------------------- 105
材料與方法-------------------------------------- 105
結果與討論-------------------------------------- 110
結論----------------------------------------------- 116
參考文獻----------------------------------------- 117
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