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研究生(外文):Yi-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Model of Predictive Corporate Financial Distress-Using Non-Financial Indicators
指導教授(外文):Wen-Wu Chang
外文關鍵詞:Financial DistressLogit
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By studying the past cases of landmine stocks, it could simply realized what reasons cause the landmine stocks. The company financial crisis is mostly happened by main stockholders act an undue behavior and borrow and land company’s assets to divert, or by using a subsidiary company to purchase a large amount of a parent company’s stocks and overlapping to hold both stocks. Furthermore, in order to control the stock price, it also could be happened that the stock price would be operated and occur unusual bargains by human being.
These kinds of company problems would never alone diagnose from a financial statement. Sometimes the administrator could just glace it with careless or put a varnish on financial statement by changing the accounting process. Once the company financial be realized under degeneration condition which also implied the company had occurred an irretrievable crisis on financial for a while. Therefore, it is very important to study non-financial information such as overlapping to hold stocks and equity capital structure. Those could be supplementary reference materials after traditional financial statement.
In order to apply Logit regression model to forecast the effectiveness of financial crisis, this report is not only discussing the traditional financial variable, but also search and collect non-financial variable. To go deep into research, we are using both Factor Analysis and Stepwise Regression to collect variables, so that we could get into next step to study how much merge financial variable and non-financial variable could advice us.
According to the results of empirical studies, if the study could be included Non-financial variable, either Factor Analysis or Stepwise Regression is increasing classify correct ratio. That means the Non-financial variable certainly has effectiveness to both Factor Analysis and Stepwise Regression. To discuss with explaining ability for variables: Financial Variable is more provided with profitability and capital structures on the one hand. On the other, non-financial variable is possessed with three directs: 1. Rating. 2. Hypothecation ratio of directors, supervisor, manager and stockholder. 3. CPA’s opinions. At the same time, the empirical results also show the Stepwise Regression could collect the variables of explaining ability and forecast ability, and get higher correct ratio.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 ..............................................1
第一節 研究動機 ..........................................1
第二節 研究目的 ..........................................3
第三節 研究流程 ..........................................4
第四節 研究限制 ..........................................6
第五節 研究內容與架構 ....................................7
第二章 文獻探討 ..........................................8
第一節 財務危機的定義.....................................8
第二節 危機預警的文獻 ...................................11
第三章 研究方法 .........................................22
第一節 研究對象 .........................................22
第二節 財務變數的定義 ...................................27
第三節 非財務變數的定義 .................................37
第四節 研究方法 .........................................44
第四章 實證結果 .........................................51
第一節 變數篩選 .........................................51
第二節 Logit實證結果 ....................................55
第三節 樣本測試 .........................................61
第五章 結論與建議 .......................................63
第一節 結論 .............................................63
第二節 建議 .............................................64
參考文獻 ..................................................65
表 目 錄
表2-1 台灣證券交易所股份有限公司營業細則對財務危機的定義 ..9
表2-2 國外學者對財務危機之定義 ...........................10
表2-3 單獨使用財務變數之文獻彙整 .........................20
表2-4 同時使用財務變數和非財務變數之文獻彙整 .............21
表3-1 基礎樣本-危機公司與正常公司配對表 .................24
表3-2 測試樣本-危機公司與正常公司配對表 .................26
表3-3 財務變數彙整表 .....................................34
表3-4 TCRI採用的評等指標 .................................41
表3-5 非財務變數彙整表 ...................................43
表4-1 因素分析法-篩選後變數 .............................53
表4-2 逐步迴歸法-篩選後變數 .............................54
表4-3 因素分析篩選法實證結果 .............................56
表4-4 基礎樣本分類正確率-因素分析篩選法 .................57
表4-5 逐步迴歸篩選法實證結果 .............................59
表4-6 基礎樣本分類正確率-逐步迴歸篩選法 .................60
表4-7 測試樣本分類正確率-因素分析篩選法 .................61
表4-8 測試樣本分類正確率-逐步迴歸篩選法 .................62
圖 目 錄
圖1-1 論文架構流程 .........................................................5
圖3-1 研究樣本的分類 .....................................23
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