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研究生(外文):D.C. Chang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Grain Refining Heat Treatments on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Weldments
指導教授(外文):K.H. Hou
外文關鍵詞:Al-Mg-Si-Cugrain refiningT6 heat treatmenthardnesswelding
  • 被引用被引用:4
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摘 要
Aluminum alloys have been widely used to produce bicycle frames and components due to their outstanding strength-to-weight ratio. Magnesium and silicon containing 6XXX series alloys are among one of the most commonly used heat treatable aluminum alloys. In order to achieve higher strength, copper is added in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys to replace AA6061, which is currently the most commonly used 6XXX series alloy.
However, the metallographically observed coarse grain structure of the aluminum pipes used in producing bicycle frames resulted in high failure percentage during room temperature forming as well as severe orange peel phenomenon on rough surfaces of pipes after forming. Consequently, time-consuming annealing and labor-intensive procedures were added and significantly increased production cost.
In order to solve the aforementioned problems, the cold work and recrystallization induced grain refining was extensively studied and applied. Previous studies indicated that additional large amount of cold work and long-time overaging procedures prior to the recrystallization heat treatment can significantly reduce the grain size to average 9.48μm in diameter. Although the resulting fine microstructure can greatly improve the productivity and quality of the bicycle frames, the additional cost makes this procedure impractical in production.
The major objective of this study was to develop a simplified grain refining procedure and to achieve fine grain structure while maintaining low production cost. A simplified procedure was successfully developed which was focused on the degree of cold work, recrystallization temperature and time, and homogenization temperature and time. As a result, fine grain structure of average grain size of approximately 10 — 15μm in diameter was produced.
Microstructures of aluminum cast and the coarse- and fine-grained pipes were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Globular precipitates were observed in the matrix of the cast and coarse-grained pipes. It was reported that the existence and distribution of these precipitates were responsible for a successful grain refining procedure. The theory and practical procedure of the modified grain refining procedure developed in this study was also based on the controlling of these precipitates.
Artificial aging procedure was also evaluated and modified in this study. The combination of grain refining procedure and improved aging procedure resulted in a modified procedure. Pipes produced with Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys and this modified procedure exhibited significant improvement in product quality and yield rate, no cracking in the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ), and increased fatigue resistance of the bicycle frames.
This thesis has been significantly modified and some of the experimental results and data were omitted due to the confidentiality agreement with the sponsored corporation.
目 錄
指導教授推薦書 i
口試委員會審定書 ii
博碩士論文授權書 iii
誌 謝 iv
中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vii
目 錄 ix
表 目 錄 xii
圖 目 錄 xiii
第一章:文獻回顧 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 鋁合金的用途及分類 4
1.2.1 鋁合金的分類 4
1.2.2 合金元素加入的影響 5
1.2.3 6XXX系列鋁合金 10
1.3 Al-Mg-Si-Cu合金系析出物種類 12
1.3.1 Al-Cu合金 12
1.3.2 Al- Mg-Si合金 13
1.3.3 Al- Cu-Mg合金 15
1.4 實驗相關文獻回顧 17
1.4.1 再回復、再結晶與晶粒成長 17
1.4.2 美國專利細化方法 19
1.4.3 四階段式晶粒細化 20
1.4.4 加入Cu對6xxx鋁合金強度的影響 24
第二章:研究目的 25
第三章:實驗方法及原理 26
3.1 實驗流程圖 26
3.2 實驗設備 27
3.3 實驗材料及TEM試片準備 28
3.4 顯微組織觀察 28
3.5 機械測試 29
3.6 改良式晶粒細化步驟 31
3.7 銲接實體實驗 31
第四章:結果與討論 33
4.1 晶粒細化熱處理 33
4.1.1 再結晶溫度對細化晶粒尺寸及高溫成長模式之影響 33
4.1.2 鑄錠細化結果 37
4.1.3 TEM觀察結果 44
4.2 銲接及銲後熱處理金相觀察 52
4.2.1 熱影響區觀察 53
4.2.2 銲後熱處理金相觀察 54
4.2.3 銲道金相觀察 55
4.3 疲勞測試結果 57
4.3.1 粗晶管件疲勞金相觀察 58
4.3.2 細晶管件疲勞金相觀察 60
4.4 熱處理參數的最佳化 62
4.4.1 金相照片 65
4.4.2 原始數據 66
4.4.3 熱處理最佳化之結果與討論 83
4.5 拉伸試驗結果 96
第五章:結 論 97
參考文獻 99
附錄一:論文英文稿 101
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