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研究生(外文):Chien Hung Wu
論文名稱(外文):Gate Dielectrics and Cell Membrane Studies for La2O3/ Si0.3Ge0.7 p-MOSFETs and Biologic Cells
指導教授:謝 家荊鳳德
指導教授(外文):I. J. HsiehAlbert Chin
外文關鍵詞:SiGecell membrane
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我們已經發展出一個簡單方法形成高介電係數的氧化鑭閘極,就是沉積鑭薄膜再直接熱氧化。由於應用低氧化溫度,減少氧化鑭厚度使介電質完整地改善。 從測量電容值,這 60 Å的氧化鑭有27的K值,它的等效氧化層厚度是8.7Å。從 MOSFET's 的高電流驅動和轉移電導隨著低的off-state的電流進一步證據高介電質的長遠性。它被發現與二氧化矽比起來有低應力引發的漏電流(SILC)和高電荷崩潰,它被證實有極好可靠性。那低的等效氧化物厚度是由於在矽上的高熱力穩定性以及用氫氣穩定的在550oC以下退火。

We have developed high K La2O3 gate dielectrics by a simple process using direct thermal oxidization of deposited La. The dielectric integrity improves as decreasing La2O3 thickness because of the applied low oxidation temperature. From the measured capacitance, the 60Å La2O3 has a K value of 27 that has an equivalent oxide thickness of 8.7Å. This high K is further evidenced from MOSFET’s high current drive and transconductance with low off-state current. Low stress-induced leakage current and high charge-to-breakdown comparable with SiO2 are obtained that demonstrates excellent reliability. The achieved low equivalent oxide thickness is due to the high thermodynamic stability on Si and also stable for hydrogen annealing up to 550oC.
At the same time, it is developed a new approach to form epitaxial SiGe layer .The epitaxial SiGe was formed by the deposition of amorphous Ge layer and subsequent high temperature annealing through the mechanism of solid phase epitaxy. It was found that the existence of native oxide plays a critical role in the quality of SiGe layer. To evaluate the feasibility of this SiGe layer in practical applications, we have fabricated SiGe channel MOSFET's. However, this result is much different from that in the previous reporters. SiGe layer formed in this method is a relaxed material and may not suffer from the strain-relaxation related problems in the high temperature oxidation step.
Therefore, we have successfully integrated two techniques into current VLSI technology to fabricate SiGe cham1el PMOSFET's with high k dielectric. It manifests batter current drive capability and batter subthreshold swing. More important, this approach is simple, less expensive and fully compatible with current VLSI tech1ology.
In the future, according to the continuous scaling down of device, the thickness of gate oxide has to be reduced. The thickness of gate oxide will be decreased to the limitation. It also has been investigated into the feasibility of the biological cell, in order to substitute for gate dielectric. Then it is experimenting with the relationship between the cell and the electric field.

Abstract (in Chinese)………………………………………i
Abstract (in English) ………………………………iii
Figure Captions………………………………………vii
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 High K Gate Dielectrics in La2O3/Si0.3Ge0.7MOSFET……1
1.2 Cell Membranes in Biological Cells…………………5
Chapter 2 Experimental
2.1 La2O3/Si0.3Ge0.7 p-MOSFETs …………………………11
2.2 Process for Deep Trench Array Structure…………………12
Chapter 3 Results and discussion
3.1High K Gate Dielectrics in La2O3/Si0.3Ge0.7 p-MOSFET...16
3.2 Biological Cells………………………………….19
Chapter 4

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