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研究生(外文):Chien-Hua Wu
論文名稱(外文):The System Model of the Piezoelectric Ceramic Motor
指導教授(外文):Chi-Kuang Hwang
外文關鍵詞:piezoelectric ceramic motro
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電彈理論包含動態平衡方程式、柯西方程式、壓電組成方程式和靜電方程式。使用電彈理論去求解析解是很複雜的,所以在本論文中利用ANSYS去模擬壓電陶瓷馬達的靜態及動態的行為。我們利用調波的分析去求得壓電元件x、y軸的共振頻率,利用動態分析去建立位移並用與數學方程式去近似之。其結果與所施電壓頻率有相關性,進一步將此近似數學方程式推導出狀態空間函數,再由此狀態空間函數推導出其壓電馬達之x、y軸共振頻率與其壓電馬達的9 × 9矩陣元素有相關。

The electroelasticity theory consists of the dynamic equilibrium equations, the Cauchy equations, the piezoelectric constitutive equations and electrostatic equations, but the analytical solution is difficult to solve. So ANSYS software is utilized to simulate the static and dynamic behavior of the piezoelectric ceramic motor. We utilize the Harmonic analysis to obtain the resonant frequency of both axes of the piezoelectric component, and we also use the dynamic analysis to get the displacements of both axes. Then we approximate these displacements as mathematic equations related to the frequency of the applied voltage. We can obtain the resonance frequency of x and y axes depend on the some parameters of the piezoelectric ceramic motor.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Ceramic motor
2.1 Characteristics of piezoelectricity ceramic
2.2 Structure of the ceramic motor
Chapter 3 The piezoelectric motor model
3.1 The finite element mothed
3.2 Boundary condition
3.3 Electroelasticity theory
3.3.1 Dynamic equilibrium equations
3.3.2 Cauchy equations
3.3.3 Piezoelectric constitutive equations
Chapter 4 The state space model of the piezoelectric ceramic
motor using the ANSYS software and the genetic
4.1 Genetic algorithms (GAs)
4.1.1 Genetic operators
4.2 Use GAs to estimation the displacement of both axes
4.3 The state space model
4.4 Revised the displacement of the x and the y axes

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