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研究生(外文):Yu-Kang Chang
指導教授(外文):Yih-Chih Chiou
外文關鍵詞:Defect DetectionImage RegistrationMoment InvariantFeature Matching
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對於上述兩個問題的解決方式,首先本研究使用直方圖均值化技術,尤指雙曲線立方根型,解決光源變異的問題。接下來,本研究使用一個新潁的特徵對應技術影像註記不良的問題。此技術首先分別從待檢測影像及參考影像中抽取出特徵;接下來根據矩量不變的特性,找出兩影像匹配成功的特徵對;緊接著,假設兩影像之間只存在著仿射轉換 (affine transformation),則根據特徵對的座標兩影像之間的座標轉換參數即可求出;最後,將待檢測影像的每一個點施行座標轉換,即可讓兩影像完成註記。
We have developed an Automatic Optical Inspection system for detecting defects on a PCB film. The detection algorithm is based on the logical operations on two images, known as image subtraction. That is, by subtracting the standard image from the test image, the resulting image will show the difference between the two images. If the result is a total black image, it means that the two images are exactly the same. Otherwise, the contents of the resulting image will represent the defects. To guarantee the success of subtraction-based defect detection method, it needs to overcome the problems of illumination variance and image misregistration.
With respect to the two problems, we use histogram equalization technique, especially the hyperbolic cube root type, to solve the problem of illumination variance. And then, we use a novel feature-corresponding technique to solve the problem of image misregistration. First, features are extracted from the test image and the standard image separately. Second, according to the moment invariant characteristic, the matched feature pairs can be found. Third, by assuming that the two images are differed only by affine transformation, then based on the matched pairs, the parameters of the coordinate transformation can be found. Finally, the two images can be registered by applying the coordinate transformation to each point in the test image.
200 pairs of film images have been used to test the performance of the proposed subtraction-based defect detection system. The test results show that only 11 out of the 200 images are failed, therefore the detection rate is 94.5%. The registration accuracy evaluated by the root mean square error is about 0.8 pixels on average. As to the speed, it takes 47.76 seconds in total to complete the inspection of the 200 images; therefore the detection speed is 0.239 second per image on average.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2印刷電路板視覺檢測技術簡介與討論 3
1.3研究動機與目的 6
1.4參考文獻 8
1.5論文架構 10
第二章 研究設備與方法 11
2.1檢測系統硬體設備 12
2.2檢測流程 15
第三章 影像前處理 19
3.1雜訊處理 19
3.2光源問題改善 21
3.2.1影像補償法(Shading Correction Algorithm) 22
3.2.2直方圖均值化(Histogram Equalization) 22
3.2.3光源補償法效能之比較 23
第四章 相關係數法 25
4.1相關係數演算法 25
4.1.1.正規化相關係數 25
4.1.2.Garakani相關係數 26
4.1.3.加總表相關係數法 27
4.2相關係數法使用與評估 30
4.3相關係數定位法 31
4.4 SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference) 32
第五章 特徵抽取 34
5.1特徵抽取 34
5.1.1區域基準法 34
5.1.2特徵基準法 35
5.2一次微分濾波特徵抽取法 38
5.3各式一次微分濾波器之比較 40
第六章 特徵匹配 43
6.1相似度量測 43
6.2配對法則 51
6.2.1歐幾里得距離(Euclid) 52
6.2.2最短距離分類法 52
6.2.3市區街距離 52
第七章 空間座標轉換 54
7.1空間座標轉換參數計算 56
第八章 實驗結果與討論 58
8.1自製幾何圖形影像之測試 59
8.2 PCB底片影像之測試 65
8.3檢測結果 80
8.4討論 81
第九章 結論 82
9.1結論 82
9.2未來展望 83
參考文獻 85
附錄A 88
A.1 50張測試影像(標準影像) 88
A.2 50張測試影像(具旋轉和平移) 90
附錄B 92
B.1 200張測試影像(標準影像) 92
B.2 200張測試影像(具有缺陷之影像) 96
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