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研究生(外文):Chin-Cheng Chen
指導教授(外文):Fun-Jou ChenYH ChangChuang-Chien Chiu
外文關鍵詞:qigongheart rate variabilityautonomic functionrespirationbody temperatureblood pressure
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心率變異指標方面, PNN50%低於對照組,而練氣與否則有顯著不同。LF/HF ratio、Power(LF,msec2)、Power(LF,n.u.)、LF max value (msec2/Hz)高於對照組不同時間效應與練習氣功與否均達統計上之顯著意義。Freq.(HF,Hz)低於對照組不同時間效應與練習氣功與否均達統計上之顯著意義, Power(HF,n.u.)不同時間效應與練習氣功與否均達統計上之顯著意義。HF max value(Sec2/Hz)低於對照組不同時間效應並無明顯不同,而練氣與否則有顯著不同。
Qigong practice is gradually popular at this society, it interlace the traditional medical science, religion and science, its inside alive with many puzzle and unknown. To understand its content, we tried to apply heart rate variability analyzed tool and conducted an age- sex matched control study. The aim of this study is to access the short-term change of physiological parameters and heart rate variability parameters during qigong practice by 35 qigong practitioners on lie-down.
We found the physiological parameters including respiratory rate、systolic pressure、diastolic pressure、chest wall temperature、wrist temperature and palm temperature were significantly different between these two groups during the five phase of qigong practice. The variation of these parameters including respiratory rate、heart rate、systolic pressure、ear drum temperature、chest wall temperature and palm temperature were also different.
Compare to control group, the parameters of heart rate variability including PNN50% 、 LF/ HF ratio、Power( LF, msec2)、Power( LF, n.u.)、LF max value( Sec2/ Hz) and HF max value( Sec2/ Hz) were significantly different. The variation of these parameters was also significantly different during the five phase of qigong practice.
In conclusion, the sympathetic tone is more active during phase 2 and phase 4 of qigong practice while concentrate imagination. The parasympathetic tone is relatively not active during these two phases. The change of physiological parameters is along with the change of autonomic tone.
第一章 前言
第 二 章 研究目的
2.1 研究背景
2.2 氣功源流
2.4 研究目的
第 三 章 文獻探討
第 四 章 研究設計
第 五 章 研究結果
第六章 討論
6.1 不同研究之比較
第七章 結論與建議
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