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研究生(外文):Chien-Yu Wu
論文名稱(外文):A study of using a built full-size constructed wetland system for treating municipal wastewater
外文關鍵詞:on-site operationfate of pollutantsmunicipal wastewaterconstructed wetlandecological engineering
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淨化效能:BOD5進流水平均濃度為56.5±20.0 mg/L(n=51),放流水平均濃度為12.0±4.
6 mg/L,去除率為78.7%。COD進流水平均濃度為115.1±36.0 mg/L(n=59),放流水平均
濃度為52.5±14.2 mg/L,去除率為54.4%。SS進流水平均濃度為65.6±35.9 mg/L(n=57)
,放流水平均濃度為13.7±5.6 mg/L,去除率為79.1%。NH3-N進流水平均濃度為19.1±9.
7 mg/L(n=54),放流水平均濃度為12.5±7.6 mg/L,去除率為34.8%。TP進流水平均濃度
為3.55±1.38 mg/L(n=14),放流水平均濃度為2.74±1.71 mg/L,去除率為22.93%。大
腸桿菌群平均進流濃度為12.4×105±11.7×105 CFU/100ml(n=57),平均放流濃度為1.6
×105±1.5×105 CFU/100ml,去除率達到87.3%。
In a natural environment, wetlands have a wide variety of animal and
vegetation species. When pollutants enter a wetland, they may be utilized by
the biological species inside the wetland or settled in the sediments so that
the wetland systems are often applied in removing pollutants from water.
The main goal of this study is using a built full-size constructed wetland (
CW) system to a municipal wastewater from a community.
The major purpose of this study is developing the optimal and control
parameters and models for using ecological treatment systems to treat
municipal wastewater. The study is proposed to investigate the fate of
polluting materials in wetland systems. The whole process is analyzing the
distributions of pollutants in the system to study the endurance to pollutants
of various macrophytes by observing the speed of plant growth and the ranges
of pollutant concentrations.
After the accomplishment of this study, such systems then can be used to treat
wastewater from communities, which do not have sewage or treatment systems.
The ultimate goal is to clear up the polluted rivers and eutrophic reservoirs
by reducing discharge of pollutants to those water bodies.
The results obtained from this study should be able to offer information for
understanding the revolution of wetland ecosystem and the degree of effect on
wetland system due to pollution. Furthermore, the results may also used as
references for those constructions of CW in treating environmental pollutants
and the protection of natural wetland systems so as to achieve the ultimate
goal of the protection and persistent utilization of water resource.
Show removal efficiency of pollutants in CW. BOD5 of influent is 56.5±20.0 mg/
L (n=51) on average, and effluent is 12.0±4.6 mg/L on average. Average
removal ratio is 78.7%. COD of influent is 115.1±36.0 mg/L (n=59) on average,
and effluent is 52.5±14.2 mg/L on average. Average removal ratio is 54.4%. SS
of influent is 65.6±35.9 mg/L (n=57) on average, and effluent is 13.7±5.6 mg/
L on average. Average removal ratio is 79.1%. NH3-N of influent is 19.1±9.7
mg/L (n=54) on average, and effluent is 12.5±7.6 mg/L on average. Average
removal ratio is 34.8%. TP of influent is 3.55±1.38 mg/L (n=14) on average,
and effluent is 2.74±1.71 mg/L on average. Average removal ratio is 22.93%.
Total Coliforms and E-coli of influent is 12.4×105±11.7×105 CFU/100ml (n=
57) on average, and effluent is 1.6×105±1.5×105 CFU/100ml on average.
Average removal ratio is 87.3%.
第一章 前言…………………………………………………………………….1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………………….3
2-1生態工法(Ecological engineering) ……………………………………...3
2-2人工溼地(Constructed wetlands) ………………………………………5
第三章 設備及方法………………………………………….………...….…..22
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………….………...…...30
4-2淨化水質效能………………………………...……………….………...37 4-3植物密度
第五章 結論與展望…………………………...……………….……….……..74
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