LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES x ABSTRACT xi I. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem Definition and Motivation 1 1.2 Expected Thesis Results 3 1.3 Organization of the Thesis 4 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Economic Design of the Xbar Control Chart 5 2.1.1 Single Assignable Cause Models 5 2.1.2 Multiple Assignable Cause Models 11 2.1.3 Unified Approach 12 2.2 Statistical and Economic-Statistical Design of Xbar Control Chart 19 2.3 Assuming the Distribution of Quality Characteristic Measurement is Non-normal 19 2.4 Assuming the Distribution of the Process Failure Mechanism is Non-exponential 22 2.5 Economic Design of Dynamic Xbar Control Chart 26 III. THE ECONOMIC-STATISTICAL DESIGN OF XBAR CONTROL CHARTS ASSUMING NONNORMAL DATA AND WEIBULL IN-CONTROL TIME 27 3.1 Nonnormal Quality Characteristic Measurement: Johnson distribution 27 3.2 Cost Model and Constraints 31 IV. A RETROSPECTIVE OPTIMIZATION FLEXIBLE TOLERANCE METHOD 33 4.1 Optimization Problem 33 4.2 Simulation-Based Retrospective Optimization Method 36 4.2.1 The Sample-Path Approximation Approach of Problem P0 36 4.2.2 A General Retrospective Optimization Algorithm 36 4.3 Flexible-Tolerance Retrospective Optimization Algorithm 39 4.4 Empirical Results 47 4.4.1 Solution Quality of RO-FT Algorithm 47 4.4.2 Testing Problem 47 4.4.3 Result of Optimization Problem 49 V. THE REVISED RO-FT ALGORITHM AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 53 5.1 The Revised RO-FT Algorithm 53 5.2 Empirical Results of Revised RO-FT Algorithm 57 5.2.1 Testing Problem 57 5.2.2 Result of Optimization Problem 60 5.3 Sensitivity Analysis 62 5.3.1 Sensitivity Analysis of Sample Size n 64 5.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis of Skewness alpha_3 69 5.3.3 Sensitivity Analysis of Kurtosis alpha_4 71 5.3.4 Sensitivity Analysis of Non-normality on the Optimal Design of Xbar Control Chart 72 5.3.5 Sensitivity Analysis of Weibull Shape and Scale Parameters on the Optimal Design of Xbar Control Chart 75 IV. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND FUTURE RESEARCH 79 6.1 Summary of Results 79 6.2 Conclusions 80 6.3 Recommendations of Future Research 81 LIST OF REFERENCES 83 APPENDICES Appendix A: The Flexible-Tolerance Method 86
LIST OF TABLES 4.1 The true optimal values of h^* and k^* for Examples 1 and 2 with n = 2, ..., 6 50 4.2 The RO-FT estimates of n^*, h^*, and k^* for Examples 1 and 2 (the numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the estimates) 50 4.3 The true optimal values of h^* and k^* for Example 1 with n = 2,..., 6 51 4.4 The RO-FT estimates of n^*, h^*, and k^* for Example 1 (the numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the estimates) 51 5.1 The true optimal values of h^* and k^* for Examples 1 and 2 with n = 2, ..., 6 59 5.2 The Revised RO-FT estimates of n^*, h^*, and k^* for Examples 1 and 2 (the numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the estimates) 59 5.3 The true optimal values of h^* and k^* for Example 1 with n = 2,..., 6 61 5.4 The Revised RO-FT estimates of n^*, h^*, and k^* for Example 1 (the numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the estimates) 61 5.5 The list of skewness, skewness squared, and kurtosis for Examples 2 to 7 61 5.6 Comparisons of the true optimum and Revised RO-FT solutions for Examples 1 to 4 63 5.7 Comparisons of the true optimum and Revised RO-FT solutions for Examples 5 to 7 63 5.8 A list of table numbers for sensitivity analysis on Examples 1 to 5 with skewness alpha_3 = 0 and kurtosis alpha_4 = 3, 1.87, 2.63, 4, and 4.51 64 5.9 The values of Type I error probability alpha and Type II error probability eta for the normal population and n = 5, 30, 200 65 5.10 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for a Johnson bounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 1.87, and n = 3, 4, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200 65 5.11 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for a Johnson bounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 2.63, and n = 4, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200 67 5.12 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for a Johnson unbounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 4, and n = 4, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200 67 5.13 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for a Johnson unbounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 4.51, and n = 4, 5, 7, 10, 30, 50, 100, 200 68 5.14 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for Johnson bounded distributions with skewness = 0, 0.1, ..., 0.8 and kurtosis 1.87, and n = 5 69 5.15 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for Johnson unbounded distributions with skewness = 0, 0.1, ..., 0.9 and kurtosis 4.51, and n = 5 70 5.16 The values of estimated Type I error probability widehat{alpha}, Type II error probability widehat{ eta}, and estimated mean hourly cost for Johnson bounded distributions with skewness = 0 and kurtosis = 1.87, 2.63, 3, 4, 4.51, and n = 5 71 5.17 The sensitivity analysis of non-normality on the optimal values n^*, h^*, and k^* as well as estimated Type I and II error probabilities widehat{alpha} and widehat{ eta} 74 5.18 The sensitivity analysis of Weibull shape heta and scale lambda on the optimal values n^*, h^*, and k^*, as well as estimated Type I and II error probabilities widehat{alpha} and widehat{ eta}, for a Johnson bounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 2 76 5.19 The sensitivity analysis of Weibull shape heta and scale lambda on the optimal values n^*, h^*, and k^*, as well as estimated Type I and II error probabilities widehat{alpha} and widehat{ eta}, for a Johnson lognormal distribution with skewness 5 76 5.20 The sensitivity analysis of Weibull shape heta and scale lambda on the optimal values n^*, h^*, and k^*, as well as estimated Type I and II error probabilities widehat{alpha} and widehat{ eta}, for a Johnson unbounded distribution with skewness 0 and kurtosis 6 77
LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 Diagram of the quality cycle by Duncan 6 2.2 Diagram of the quality cycle by Lorenzen anf Vance 14 2.3 Plot of the Burr probability density function 21 3.1 Plot of the Johson S_B density function 29 3.2 Plot of the Johson S_U density function 30 5.1 Johnson system 73
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