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研究生(外文):Chun-Jung Chang
論文名稱(外文):An Efficient Scheme of Document Access Upon Hybrid Access Control in Campus
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsiung Twu
外文關鍵詞:access control matrixaccess controldatabasecryptographynumber theoryhierarchyobjectsubject
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摘 要
在本論文中我們提出一個基於混合式存取控制技術之有效率的文件存取方案,以處理數位化校園中日益廣範的公文之存取權問題。 在此方案中,我們提出一個兩層式存取控制的方法。其中我們使用了存取控制矩陣、階層式存取控制及向公眾公開存取控制等三個區域,來達成使用者在校園中存取他(她)們所希望存取之文件的目的。
我們研究的主要貢獻如下: (一) 我們提出的數位化校園中文件存取控制方案是簡單的。 (二) 運用混合式存取控制的方法,減化了系統設計的複雜性。

In this thesis, we propose an efficient scheme of document access upon on hybrid access control to deal with access control rights for documents in digital campus. In the method, we discuss the access control in the digital campus. In order to simplify the complexity of access control of digital documents in campus, a two-layer access control is proposed. Based on such a two-layer scheme, a hybrid access control method including access control matrix, hierarchy access control and public access domain is applied to achieve an efficient way for user in campus to access their desired documents.
At first, the user id, unit id and password of the user are given to login the system. Passing through the password authentication process, the legal user is allowed to enter Layer 1 to access the corresponding documents. The identities of the user’s accessible documents in Layer 1 are found according to the access rules designed by the author. The method of access control matrix is used in this Layer. Then, by the unit id of the user, he is allowed to enter Layer 2 to access the corresponding documents. The identities of user’s accessible documents in Layer 2 are found according to the access rules designed in this Layer. The methods of access control matrix and hierarchy access control are used in this Layer. Finally, the identities of accessible documents of the user including Layer 1 and Layer 2 are stored in an access stack. By this access stack, the accessible documents of the user will be searched according to the requirements of the user.
The contributions of our works are as follows. (1) We propose a simple scheme for access control in campus. (2) The concept of hybrid access control is proposed to simplify the system design.
It is believed that the results of our study in this thesis will be efficient and helpful for documents access control.
Abstract …………………………………………………………………… I

List of Figures ……………………………………………………………III

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………IV

Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Motivations and Purposes………………………………………1
1.2 Our New Access Control and Main Results …………………3
1.3 Organization of The Thesis……………………………………4

Chapter 2. Background and Review of Previous Research
2.1 Basic Concepts of Number Theory………………………………5
2.2 Basic Concepts of Cryptography………………………………13
2.3 Identification and Authentication………………………… 17
2.4 Trusted System……………………………………………………19
2.5 Historical Review of Access Control……………………… 20

Chapter 3. An Efficient Scheme of Document Access Upon
Hybrid Access Control in Digital Campus
3.1 Construction of The Efficient Scheme ………………………29
3.2 Our Proposed Hybrid Scheme of Document Access ……………32

Chapter 4. Conclusions and Future Research …………………………46

References …………………………………………………………………47

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Model of single- key cryptosystem …………………15
Figure 2.2 Model of public-key cryptosystem……………………17
Figure 2.3 An access control matrix………………………………22
Figure 2.4 The construction of the access control matrix …23
Figure 2.5 The accessor-list Method………………………………24
Figure 2.6 The capability -list method …………………………25
Figure 2.7 (a) The lock-list method……………………………………26
Figure 2.7 (b) The capability- list method …………………………26
Figure 2.8 The construction of the SKL system…………………28
Figure 3.1 Organization of the digital campus…………………31
Figure 3.2 A tree hierarchy structure of Unit i………………31
Figure 3.3 Quadratic residue password authentication ………33
Figure 3.4 Two access control scheme in Layer 1………………34
Figure 3.5 Three access control scheme in Unit i of Layer 2…38
Figure 3.6 An example of three level hierarchy structure
in Unit i of Layer 2……………………………………41
Figure 3.7 Flow chart of file management system………………45

List of Tables
Table 3.1 An example of access control matrix in section B
of Layer 1 for read access right ………………………35
Table 3.2 An example of access control matrix in section B
of Layer 1 for write access right ……………………35
Table 3.3 An example of access control matrix in section B
of Layer 1 for list access right ………………………36
Table 3.4 An example of access control matrix in section B
of Layer 1 for delete access right ……………………36
Table 3.5 An example of access control matrix in section B
of Layer 1 for append access right ……………………37
Table 3.6 An example of access control matrix in section Bi
of Layer 2 for read access right ………………………39
Table 3.7 An example of access control matrix in section Bi
of Layer 2 for write access right………………………39
Table 3.8 An example of access control matrix in section Bi
of Layer 2 for list access right ………………………40
Table 3.9 An example of access control matrix in section Bi
of Layer 2 for delete access right ……………………40
Table 3.10 An example of access control matrix in section Bi
of Layer 2 for append access right ……………………41
Table 3.11 A stack of file identities of accessible files
for read access right………………………………………42
Table 3.12 A stack of file identities of accessible files
for write access right ……………………………………43
Table 3.13 A stack of file identities of accessible files
for list access right………………………………………43
Table 3.14 A stack of file identities of accessible files
for delete access right……………………………………44
Table 3.15 A stack of file identities of accessible files
for append access right……………………………………44

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