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研究生(外文):Huang-Wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study of Strength and Fracture Toughness of Creaked Concrete Being Repaired by Epoxy and PMMA
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Concrete structures frequently exist various types of cracks due to inferior environment and excessive loading. At last few years, the earthquake occurred frequently in Taiwan, so crack repairing of concrete structure is more important. However, there is no specific code to regulate the selections of repairing materials and their applicability to divergent types and widths of cracks and fracture mechanics analyze of repairing materials, neither of the practical means to offer more reliable guarantee.

This research is directed against epoxy and PMMA repair materials. The concrete crack was used three width(1㎜、5㎜、10㎜). The sand was used at four different ratios of 0%, 10%, 20% and 40% of the volume of the resulting mixes resin, and then evaluate the repaired effect of strength and fracture toughness.

From the testing results, two repairing materials add sand with different ratio, the KIC increase with the increasing amount of sand. The result of repaired crack of concrete structure, the strength and fracture toughness increase with the increasing amount of sand. When the sand is 0% in resin, epoxy-repaired have better strength than PMMA-repaired. PMMA-repaired specimens have good toughness and seismic capacity.
目 錄


第一章 緒論 ..........................1
1-1 研究動機............................1
1-2 研究目的............................1
第二章 文獻回顧 ......................3
2-1 鋼筋混凝土結構物裂縫之種類..........3
2-2 鋼筋混凝土結構物裂縫成因及影響......3
2-2-1 鋼筋混凝土結構物裂縫之成因........4
2-2-2 鋼筋混凝土結構物裂縫之影響........7
2-2-3 鋼筋混凝土結構物龜裂寬度容許值....8
2-3 混凝土破壞力學.....................8
2-3-1 破壞力學的發展....................8
2-3-2 混凝土線彈性破壞力學.............11
2-3-3 混凝土非線性破裂理論.............12
2-3-4 尺寸效應.........................13
2-4 修補材料介紹.......................14
2-4-1 環氧樹脂材料.....................14
2-4-2 聚甲基丙烯酸系樹脂材料...........15
2-5 修補材料之相容性...................16
2-6 國內外相關文獻與修補成效...........18
第三章 實驗計劃.......................39
3-1 試驗材料...........................39
3-2 修補材料配比設計...................40
3-3 試體之規劃.........................41
3-4 試驗設備...........................42
3-5 試驗方法...........................42
3-5-1 修補材料韌性試驗.................42
3-5-2 混凝土基本力學性質試驗...........43
3-5-3 破裂能與應力強度因子試驗.........44
3-5-4 修補黏結性能試驗.................45
第四章 破裂韌性與應力強度因子.........60
4-1 破裂能(GF).........................60
4-1-1 Hillerborg試驗方法...............60
4-1-2 破裂能之計算.....................61
4-2 應力強度因子.......................61
4-2-1 Jenq/Shah試驗方法................61
4-2-2 應力強度因子之計算...............62
第五章 試驗結果與討論.................67
5-1 混凝土基本力學強度.................67
5-3 三點彎曲試驗修補成效...............68
5-3-1 環氧樹脂修補成效.................69
5-3-2 聚甲基丙稀酸係樹脂修補成效.......69
5-3-3 修補成效綜合比較.................70
5-4 修補後應力強度因子之修補成效.......70
5-4-2 聚甲基丙稀酸係樹脂修補成效.......71
5-4-3 應力強度因子綜合比較.............71
5-5 修補後破裂能之修補成效.............72
5-5-1 環氧樹脂修補成效.................72
5-5-2 聚甲基丙稀酸係樹脂修補成效.......72
5-5-3 破裂能綜合比較...................73
5-6 溫度對修補材料之影響...............73
第六章 結論與建議....................106
6-1 結論..............................106
6-2 建議..............................108

參 考 文 獻

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