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研究生(外文):Chien-Hsing Wu
論文名稱(外文):Durability of Strengthening Concrete Members Using Reactive Powder Concrete
指導教授(外文):Ming-Gin Lee
外文關鍵詞:Reactive Powder Concretedurabilitystrengthening
  • 被引用被引用:28
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Taiwan is located in the Pacific earthquake region, not only the frequency is very high, but the weather here hot and humid, changeful the weather, cracks or damage of concrete members will occur as a result of a number of internal and external factors in concrete structures, the safety of building deeply affected by it.
In this study, reactive powder concrete(RPC)is used to investigate the durability of strengthening concrete members. In the first place, testing for mechanical properties of RPC. Secondly, evaluate the durability of RPC by accelerating carbonation test and seawater dry-wet cycle acceleration deterioration test. The test included compression strength, bending strength, slant shear strength, splitting tensile strength, pull out strength, ultrasonic wave propagation velocity measurement, abrasion test, chloride ion penetration test, carbonated depth measurement, X-ray, and SEM observation etc. In the last of this thesis, two different materials are evaluated with their reinforced effect and cost. It is expected that this studies and tests will be helpful to the strengthening of the damaged building structures.
The test results show that the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete possess high strength, toughness, and abrasion resistance. At the accelerated carbonation test, no carbonation could be detected on reactive powder concrete samples. After seawater dry-wet cycle test exposures, there is no influence on strength and microstructure. The RPC displays excellent durability and penetration resistance. Using RPC and carbon fiber reinforcement polymers (CFRP) on strengthening concrete members could be obtain excellent retrofit effects, but their material costs are extremely different.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
照片目錄 XII

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目的 2

第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 活性粉混凝土之發展 3
2-1-1 活性粉混凝土之原理 3
2-1-2 活性粉混凝土在歐美各國工程上之應用 4
2-2 活性粉混凝土之技術 5
2-2-1 添加纖維對混凝土之影響 5
2-2-2 卜作嵐材料對強度之影響 7
2-2-3 熱養護對卜作嵐材料之影響 8
2-3 混凝土耐久性評估 9
2-3-1 海水對混凝土之侵害 9
2-3-2 快速氯離子滲透試驗 11
2-3-3 中性化對混凝土耐久性之影響 11
2-3-4 混凝土之微觀結構 13
2-4 混凝土結構物補強 14
2-4-1 混凝土結構之補強時機及補強材料 15
2-4-2 混凝土結構補強工法 16
2-4-3 RPC修補混凝土結構物之探討 17

第三章 試驗計劃 33
3-1 試驗流程 33
3-2 試驗材料 33
3-2-1活性粉混凝土之成分 33
3-2-2其他材料 35
3-3 試驗儀器及設備 37
3-4 混凝土試體製作與養護 38
3-4-1 試體規劃 38
3-4-2 試體製作 39
3-4-2-1活性粉混凝土試體製作 39
3-4-2-2 CFRP貼片補強混凝土試體製作 39
3-4-2-3 RPC補強混凝土試體製作 40
3-4-3 養護流程 40
3-5 測試齡期與環境 41
3-6 試驗方法及步驟 42

第四章 結果與討論 72
4-1 活性粉混凝土基本力學性質試驗 72
4-1-1 抗壓試驗結果 72
4-1-2 抗彎試驗結果 73
4-1-3 劈張試驗結果 75
4-1-4 斜剪試驗結果 76
4-1-5 混凝土拉拔試驗結果 78
4-2 加速中性化試驗 79
4-2-1 碳化深度量測 80
4-2-2 混凝土碳化對劈張強度之影響 81
4-2-3 SEM觀測混凝土碳化情形 82
4-2-4 X光繞射分析 83
4-3 海水乾濕循環耐久性試驗 83
4-3-1 重量損失量測 84
4-3-2 抗壓強度之變化 85
4-3-3 混凝土超音波波速量測 85
4-3-4 磨損試驗結果 86
4-3-5 快速氯離子滲透試驗結果 87
4-3-6 SEM觀測結果 89
4-4 混凝土補強試驗 89
4-4-1 CFRP貼片補強混凝土之結果 90
4-4-2 RPC補強混凝土之結果 92
4-4-3 比較貼覆CFRP貼片與RPC補強混凝土之修補成效 93

第五章 結論與建議 134
5-1 結論 134
5-2 建議 137

參考文獻 139

附錄一 基本力學試驗結果 144
附錄二 混凝土經加速碳化後劈張強度結果分析 148
附錄三 人工海水+105℃高溫乾濕循環試驗結果 152
附錄四 CFRP貼片硬度值檢測結果 160
附錄五 混凝土補強抗壓、抗彎試驗結果 162
附錄六 RPC補強之抗彎強度理論值計算 164
附錄七 CFRP貼片補強之抗彎強度理論值計算 170
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