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研究生(外文):Chang Jui Feng
論文名稱(外文):The User Interface for Testing Implement of Performance Simulation and Analysis for Four-Stroke SI Engine
指導教授(外文):Chang I-Ping
外文關鍵詞:Engine Dynamic Performance SimulationThe User Interface for Testing ImplementPerformance Integration Evaluation.
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本研究亦實際測試分析一部四行程汽油引擎之動態特性,由各種不同之穩態操作點,量取之引擎性能,如制動扭力、比耗油率等,探討其性能與操作變數如轉速及油門開度之關係。 再由各種引擎加減速暫態負荷變化之模擬方式,與現有文獻及引擎動態模擬程式所使用之經驗工程相關性公式加以比較。 實驗設計量測之測試引擎動態數據,並以圖形化介面軟體配合建構引擎與控制器之人機介面,以作為將來設計製造引擎管理系統控制策略設定之參考。
人機介面模擬軟體之建構,以配合量測實驗引擎於測功計上實驗設定之不同模式為基礎,配合相關控制系統原理,加以修正其動態響應性能,以期能與量測擷取數據有良好之對應關係。引擎即時動力系統動態模式,由輸入之量測實驗數據包括油門開度與引擎負荷扭力隨時間之變化,估計引擎空氣流量或空氣燃油混合比、容積效率。 配合引擎管理系統控制策略設定之燃燒點火正時及噴油間隔與噴油正時參數調整,以預估輸出之引擎轉速與進氣歧管壓力等隨時間之變化。模擬計算之結果與實驗量測值加以比對,修正相關模型參數在引擎加減速暫態負荷變化狀態下均有合理之趨勢及誤差。本研究節省許多測試驗證的時間及費用,引擎模型修正驗証應用實驗設計的方法,最佳化搜尋出模型調整參數之影響,可由引擎輸出性能圖中,觀察出實驗之數值與引擎模型模擬出來的結果趨勢及誤差均在合理範圍內,在模擬動力系統動態模式可以協助工程師評估引擎性能及改善設計、縮短研發試誤時辰。
This study is proposed to establish a simulation program to evaluate the real-time performance of a four-stroke spark-ignited gasoline engine. The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between the engine performance and the operation variable and control parameters. The engine combustion output performance were tested under different testing conditions to analyze the internal correlation between performance and variables such as engine speed, intake manifold pressure, and spark advance etc. The implement of the control system dynamic models needs to find out the model constants and functions by which the dynamic performance of the engine can be predicted. The assumptions and the approaching methods were then modified by the experimental data to validate and improve the performance predictions. With this dynamic performance simulation program, engineer can evaluate the variation in engine dynamic performance due to design change and different control settings, reducing the corresponding trial-and-error effort, saving the research and development time and cost.
The simulation program was based on the specific four-stroke SI engine test data. The related control system principles were incorporated to modify the dynamic performance response of the engine. The output of this simulation program including the engine speed and manifold pressure variation according to the variation of model input variables such as throttle position, engine load torque and fuel and spark control settings. The simulation program contains several submodels to calculate the needed parameters such as air-fuel ratio; volumetric efficiency to ensure different fuel mixture requirement can be achieved.
This study also developed the graphic user interface for data acquisition and measure monitored for different engine and dynamometer control operation modes. The observed different engine dynamic performance during acceleration and deceleration were compared with the simulation results, which showed reasonable matched trend. Measured dynamic performance data correlation can be used for future reference of the engine design and engine management controller settings.
授權書 iii
中文摘要 v
誌 謝 ix
目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xvi
符號說明 xvii
第一章 緒論1
1.2 研究目標2
第二章 引擎動態數學模式之建立8
第三章 模擬結果與分析25
3.2 燃油沉積率前饋控制之模擬結果與討論31
第四章 引擎測試電腦化系統38
4.1.1 LabVIEW環境介紹38
4.1.2 MATLAB之連結 40
4.1.3 人機介面測試系統之建立41
4.1.4 引擎性能之離線式模擬51
4.2.2測試系統開發之硬體應用 61
第五章 引擎動態之實驗驗證67
5.1引擎調整參數之最佳化分析 67
第六章 結論與建議100
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