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論文名稱(外文):A Framework for The Community Information Development
外文關鍵詞:CommunityCommunity informationConsciousness of community
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隨著微電腦控制技術、電子資訊與電信技術等軟硬體技術之突破,人類生活品質的提昇,因全球化競爭帶來國際化和自由化衝擊,「社區網路化」成為社區發展革命的契機。然而;社區資訊化發展至今,發展架構及內容之擬定仍停留在以國家及都市為主,原因在於各國所發展的國家資訊基礎建設計畫(NII, National Information Infrastructure)中所訂之網路資訊化內容,皆是以國家整體都市層級做為發展重心;忽略社區區域資訊基礎層面的建設,使得資訊化無法落實於社區層級。另一方面,社區在擬定資訊化發展內容項目上,其分析的角度及規劃方式,與國家及都市層級有所不同。因此社區資訊化與國家及都市層級在發展內容上是有所區別的。除此之外國內社區型態多屬於農村型或集村型社區,不像都會型社區有那麼豐沛的資訊網路資源,無形之中造成社區間知識貧富差距嚴重,導致城鄉間數位落差(Digital Divide)情形產生。
(1) 彙整社區資訊化的概念,提出社區發展資訊化的整體架構。
(2) 供日後社區、相關業者、主管單位發展資訊化時之指引與建議。
(3) 相關領域學者後續之研究建議。
All most of the community structure in the internal that are part of grange community type or gather community type,it unlike to be metropolis community that have plentifully information resources,And the information society lead to social evolution will exert an influence social problem:A remote village “Digital Divide”,became to knowledge privation serious,So that aggravate a matter of increase it between “Digital Divide” drop circumstances the town and village.
Now, seldom search in substance a framework for the community information development. For the above-mentioned reasons so research this topic for discussion. that pattern by historical documents and this expounded through peer review. How about analyse the causes of success framework for the community information development. and probe into community information incorrect reasons for the success level,what’s kind of out-of-balance development. Last; research outcome can provide for the community information that development and plain, especially suggest that development by community, country, city, and government. As well as suggest follow-up research clique. Research including two major parts. Part one of the community information sense of organization, Make use of researching about that literature between the information and network. Generalize a conclusion from facts community information definition. And the five factor that politics and economics are. Such as below with following points:
1. Functional structure. (vision & demand)
2. Consciousness of community structure. (culture & value)
3. Network content structure. (core & compete)
4. Information science and technology structure. (manage & strategy)
5. Virtuous circle of the economy structure. (resource & compromise)
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言-----------------------------------------------------1
1.2 背景-----------------------------------------------------2
1.3 動機-----------------------------------------------------3
1.4 目的-----------------------------------------------------4
1.5 研究方法與流程-------------------------------------------5
1.6 研究可能限制---------------------------------------------6
1.7 預期成果-------------------------------------------------7
第二章 文獻回顧與理論架構初探
2.3 社區總體營造定義----------------------------------------19
2.4 國內外社區資訊化分類概況--------------------------------22
2.5 社區資訊化功能與意義------------------------------------26
第三章 研究架構與研究方法
3.1 研究界說------------------------------------------------33
3.2 探索型研究方法論----------------------------------------34
3.3 架構創新導向的KJ研究方法--------------------------------37
3.4 資料取得與處理方式--------------------------------------39
3.5 KJ法作業步驟------------------------------------------41
3.6 探索結果------------------------------------------------44
第四章 理論模型評估機制
4.1 理論建構內涵--------------------------------------------58
4.2 群體評估技術選擇----------------------------------------64
4.3 改良型Delphi法應用--------------------------------------66
4.4 專家學者選定--------------------------------------------69
4.5 訪談問卷設計--------------------------------------------71
第五章 個案分析與理論模型驗證
5.1 訪談主題------------------------------------------------84
5.2 個案背景-東埔心點子計畫---------------------------------85
5.3 理論架構驗證--------------------------------------------98
第六章 結論
6.1 研究結論-----------------------------------------------101
6.2 後續研究-----------------------------------------------105
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