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研究生(外文):Goang-Kae Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Secure and Efficient Schemes for Electronic Procurement of Governments
指導教授(外文):Woei-Jiunn Tsaur
外文關鍵詞:Elliptic Curve CryptosystemsSelf-certified Public key SystemInformation SecuritySealed-bid in NetworkGovernment Procurement Law
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Since Taiwan entered into the World Trade Organization in 2002, government procurement issues are in the spotlight around the world. As we know, there were many problems under the government procurement operations before, such as the difficulty of obtaining the procurement information, the complicated procurement process, the inconvenience of the bidding, the corruption of personal procurement, etc. If the government procurement operations can be done through the Internet, then it can not only save huge manpower, but also prevent personal corruption. Therefore, online government procurement can greatly improve our government image.
As the Internet is a public environment, the security of the procurement information is very important to us. If we cannot take some security schemes to protect the procurement information, people can change or delete data easily and further influence the fairness of procurement. Thus, in this thesis we adopt Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems that can use few bits to reach the same security level as other public key cryptosystems, and also get a better efficiency during message transmission. On the other hand, using self-certified public key cryptosystems can verify efficiently the validity of public keys. Hence, in this thesis we first combine Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems with self-certified public key cryptosystems to develop a mutual authentication scheme, signcryption scheme, multi-signcryption scheme, blind signature scheme and fair document exchange scheme. Then, in the procedure of electronic procurement we can increase the security level, reduce the storage cost, and improve the efficiency of data transmission based on the schemes proposed above.
Additionally, this thesis is to concentrate the study on the validity of bid bond and electronic contracting which had never been discussed before. The government organizations and bidders can process all procurement procedure by employing our proposed schemes to implement a complete electronic system. Therefore, this thesis is to provide a secure and efficient environment of government procurement.
第一章 緒論………………………………………… 1
1.1 研究背景與動機…………………………………1
1.1.1 研究背景………………………………………1
1.1.2 研究動機………………………………………2
1.2 研究目的…………………………………………4
1.3 研究架構…………………………………………6
第二章 文獻探討及研究方法……………………… 9
2.1 文獻探討…………………………………………9
2.1.1 電子商務模式介紹……………………………9
2.1.2 競標作業機制介紹……………………………10 拍賣…………………………………………10 採購…………………………………………12
2.1.3 競標作業所使用密碼技術……………………13
2.1.4 傳統人工競標機制探討………………………16
2.1.5 電子化競標系統探討…………………………20 外國政府採購作業介紹……………………20 我國政府電子化採購作業介紹……………22 現行電子化採購作業程序…………………24 電子化採購作業安全需求…………………26
2.2 研究方法…………………………………………27
2.2.1 對稱式及非對稱式密碼系統…………………28
2.2.2 數位簽章………………………………………29
2.2.3 單向雜湊函數…………………………………30
2.2.4 橢圓曲線密碼學………………………………31
2.2.5 公開金鑰基礎建設……………………………33 以憑證為基礎的公開金鑰密碼系統………34 以身分為基礎的公開金鑰密碼系統………35 自我驗證公開金鑰密碼系統………………35
2.2.6 智慧卡與雙向認證機制………………………37
2.2.7 簽章加密機制…………………………………41
2.2.8 盲簽章及Bit Commitment……………………42 盲簽章………………………………………43 Bit Commitment……………………………44
2.2.9 公平文件交換機制……………………………45
2.2.10 討論………………………………………… 48
第三章 安全且有效率的政府電子化採購機制…… 49
3.1 系統建置階段……………………………………49
3.1.1 註冊機制………………………………………50
3.1.2 雙向認證機制…………………………………52
3.1.3 簽章加密機制…………………………………56
3.1.4 多重簽章加密機制……………………………60
3.1.5 盲簽章機制……………………………………67
3.1.6 公平文件交換機制……………………………69
3.2 領標階段…………………………………………73
3.3 投標階段…………………………………………75
3.4 開標階段…………………………………………78
3.5 簽約階段…………………………………………83
第四章 安全性及效能分析………………………… 85
4.1 安全性分析………………………………………85
4.1.1 系統建置階段…………………………………85 註冊機制……………………………………85 雙向認證機制………………………………86 簽章加密機制………………………………87 多重簽章加密機制…………………………88 盲簽章機制…………………………………89 公平文件交換機制…………………………90
4.1.2 領標階段………………………………………91
4.1.3 投標階段………………………………………91
4.1.4 開標階段………………………………………93
4.1.5 簽約階段………………………………………94
4.2 效能分析…………………………………………95
4.2.1 計算複雜度……………………………………95
4.2.2 通訊傳輸量……………………………………100
4.3 討論………………………………………………102
第五章 結論………………………………………… 108
圖1-1 研究流程…………………………………… 8
圖2-1 傳統人工競標作業流程圖………………… 18
圖2-2 現行電子化採購作業流程圖……………… 25
圖2-3 論文所使用密碼機制與核心系統關聯圖… 28
圖3-1 註冊機制圖………………………………… 52
圖3-2 雙向認證機制……………………………… 56
圖3-3 簽章加密機制(先解密後驗證法)………… 58
圖3-4 簽章加密機制(先驗證後解密法)………… 60
圖3-5 多重簽章加密機制(先解密後驗證法)…… 64
圖3-6 多重簽章加密機制(先驗證後解密法)…… 67
圖3-7 盲簽章機制………………………………… 69
圖3-8 公平文件交換機制………………………… 72
圖3-9 招標文件樣式圖…………………………… 73
圖3-10 招標概要資訊樣式圖……………………… 73
圖3-11 資格標單樣式圖…………………………… 77
圖3-12 規格標單樣式圖…………………………… 78
圖3-13 價格標單樣式圖…………………………… 78
表1-1 資通安全事件分類及影響等級…………… 4
表1-2 網路交易安全防護方法…………………… 5
表2-1 各種競標機制比較………………………… 13
表2-2 現存拍賣交易模式的研究範圍…………… 14
表2-3 現存採購交易模式的研究範圍…………… 15
表2-4 各種密碼系統比較………………………… 33
表2-5 各種公開金鑰密碼系統比較……………… 36
表3-1 公鑰及私鑰用途說明表…………………… 75
表4-1 系統建置及註冊機制計算複雜度………… 97
表4-2 雙向認證機制計算複雜度………………… 98
表4-3 簽章加密機制計算複雜度(先解密後驗證法)…98
表4-4 簽章加密機制計算複雜度(先驗證後解密法)…98
表4-5 多重簽章加密機制計算複雜度(先解密後驗證法)…98
表4-6 多重簽章加密機制計算複雜度(先驗證後解密法)…99
表4-7 盲簽章機制計算複雜度…………………… 99
表4-8 公平文件交換機制計算複雜度…………… 99
表4-9 註冊方式通訊傳輸量……………………… 100
表4-10 雙向認證機制通訊傳輸量………………… 100
表4-11 簽章加密機制通訊傳輸量………………… 101
表4-12 多重簽章加密機制通訊傳輸量…………… 101
表4-13 盲簽章機制通訊傳輸量…………………… 101
表4-14 公平文件交換機制通訊傳輸量…………… 101
表4-15 各文獻與本研究比較表…………………… 106
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