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論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Study on the Application of Geographic Information System on the Air Pollution Dispersion Model
外文關鍵詞:Air Quality Monitoring StationGeographic Information SystemIndustrial Source Complex ModelSensitivity AnalysisAnalytical Hierarchy Process
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This research is aimed at identifying the most suitable location for Changhwa County to envasige the installation of an additional air quality monitoring station. Several factors, such as the fixed sources of emission, topographical variation, population scattering (analogy to the mobile sources of emission), spatial distribution of the existing air quality monitoring network, were taken into account during the assessment.
The ISC (Industrial Source Complex Model) code was adopted to simulate the pollutants’ concentration of the receptors. Secondly, the geographic information system (ArcView software) was used to spatially demonstrate the dispersion profile. Several functions, such as reclassification, overlapping of the ArcView were used to assess the correlation between the aforementioned factors and the dispersion simulation in Changhwa County.
The simulation results indicate that the meteorological condition has a significant impact on the pollutant dispersion. The difference between the simulated figures and the monitored figures is justified by the anisotropic variogram analysis. The sensitivity analysis results show that the topographical condition, the air monitoring data and the spatial relationship between the existing air quality monitoring network are the dominating factors in assessing the preferred location.
The AreView overlapping analysis shows that the Yuanlin Station is slightly better than the Homay Station. The AHP analysis (Analytical Hierarchy Process), based upon an analytically objective questionnaire among experts by using the same factors, supports the comparative result as in the overlapping analysis. In short, both overlapping analysis and the AHP decision-making model demonstrate that Yuanlin Station is the preferred location for the installation of an additional air quality monitoring station in Changhwa County.
博碩士論文授權書....................................................................... iii
中文摘要………………………………………………………... iv
英文摘要....................................................................................... v
誌謝…………………………………………………………....... vii
目錄……………………………………………………………... viii
圖目錄…………………………………………………………... xi
表目錄…………………………………………………………... xv
第一章 前言
1.1 研究緣起……………………………………….…...... 1
1.2 研究目的………………………………………............ 1
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 空氣品質監測網站之設計原則與方法
2.1.1 設計測站之目的及類型………………………. 3
2.1.2 測站位置之選定與採樣口設置原則…………. 4
2.1.3 國外空氣品質監測站…………………….…… 8
2.2 國內外相關文獻
2.2.1 國內文獻………………………………………. 9
2.2.2 國外文獻………………………………………. 12
2.3 ISC空氣擴散模式介紹……………….………............ 14
2.4 空間統計方法之應用
2.4.1 Kringing空間統計法介紹…………………….. 17
2.5 地理資訊系統簡介
2.5.1 地理資訊系統定義……………………..……... 18
2.5.2 GIS空間資料結構…………………………….. 19
2.5.3 電子地圖疊圖原理……………………....……... 21
2.5.4 地理資訊系統應用………………………........... 22
2.6 決策支援系統
2.6.1 決策支援系統定義………………..……….….... 24
2.6.2 決策支援系統在環境上的應用……....………... 25
2.6.3 決策支援系統評量工具-分析階層程序法 27
第三章 研究方法
3.1 資料蒐集………………………………………........ 29
3.2 研究工具………………………………………….... 31
3.3 現有監測站之評估………………………….......... 31
3.4 區域化變數理論
3.4.1 Kringing 成立所必須之條件….......................... 34
3.4.2 半變異元之特性(Semivariogram)……........... 36
3.4.3 Kringing 理論方程式………………………...... 44
3.5 研究流程圖
3.5.1 決策支援系統建構流程圖……………………... 50
3.5.2 資料蒐集與前處理…………………………....... 51
第四章 模式模擬與統計檢定
4.1 ISC擴散模式模擬
4.1.1 模式輸入資料前處理………………………....... 53
4.1.2 氣象資料分析……………………………........... 56
4.1.3 ISC模擬之圖形分析………………………….... 59
4.2 統計分析
4.2.1 統計分析步驟………………………………....... 61
4.2.2 統計分析結果………………………………....... 67
4.2.3 綜合分析……………………………………....... 106
第五章 決策支援系統之建立
5.1 決策支援系統之建構…………………………............ 107
5.2 圖層的轉檔及前處理……………………………........ 108
5.3 決策支援系統之建立
5.3.1 單一因子分析法……………………................... 113
5.3.2 疊圖分析法………………………………........... 119
5.3.3 敏感度分析……………………………............... 122
5.3.4 分析階層程序法(AHP) 分析階層程序法(AHP)之運算程序與方
法................................................................... 124 分析階層程序法之應用與範例說明........... 127 相對權重的一致性檢定範例說明............... 130 決策結果與討論........................................... 131
第六章 結論與建議
6.1 結論部分………………………………………............ 144
6.2 建議部分……………………………………................ 145
參考文獻……….…………………………………….................. 147
附錄A 分析階層程序法專家問卷 151
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