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研究生(外文):Chen-Chung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of dynamic C/R ratio control on mouse positioning performance for windows tasks
指導教授(外文):Kuo-hao Tang
外文關鍵詞:computer mouseC/R ratiomouse positioning performancemouse acceleration threshold
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隨著電腦硬體設備蓬勃發展,電腦螢幕的設計以大尺寸及高解析度為發展的重點,再加上Windows作業系統下圖形使用者界面設計(GUI)大量的使用,與過去DOS作業環境下只仰賴鍵盤之操作已全然不同,突顯出了滑鼠靈敏度調整之重要性。電腦滑鼠方面之研究在相關文獻中已有相當廣泛地探討,相關研究的結果顯示,影響游標移動速度與準確度的主要因素有:目標尺寸、目標距離、移動方向、控制反應比、游標軌跡、偏移角度…等。雖然Windows作業系統內有針對滑鼠動態調整控制反應比,但在滑鼠的整體動作時間(包括游移時間及調整時間)中,調整時間(fine-adjustment time)的長短決定了整體的動作時間,因此針對滑鼠在游移狀態及調整狀態下設定不同的控制反應比應該會是一個較佳的設計,但是相關文獻並未針對滑鼠之動態控制反應比(dynamic C/R ratio)來探討,因此本研究主要是探討動態改變滑鼠控制反應比對滑鼠操作績效之影響。
With fast computer-related hardware development, the design of VDT has been focused on large size and high resolution. Furthermore, inputting data or controlling computer using GUI with input devices under Windows operation system is totally different from that just using keyboard as main input device under DOS. It points out the importance of adjusting the accuracy of mouse. Issues about computer mouse are wildly discussed including from either ergonomics aspect or HCI aspect. Studies indicated that target size, target amplitude, direction of movement, C/R ratio, trajectory of cursor, angle biased, and so on are the main factors that effect the moving speed and positioning accuracy of computer mouse. Although Windows OS does set the C/R ratio of mouse dynamically, fine adjust time, however, determines the total operation time (including travel and adjust time), setting C/R ratio base on the traveling or adjusting status of mouse probably will be a better design. Although issues about computer mouse are wildly discussed, none of them focused on dynamic C/R ratio. This study is to investigate the effects of dynamic C/R ratio control on mouse positioning performance for windows tasks
Experiments consisted of two parts. Experiment one is a preliminary experiment which focused on typical positioning task (moving mouse to close a specific window). Factors considered include target amplitude, direction of movement, and thresholds for acceleration of mouse. The dependent variables are movement time and displacement. The results showed that different target amplitude, direction of movement, and thresholds for acceleration of mouse had significant effect on the movement and displacement of computer mouse and user-defined threshold is better than Windows built-in threshold. Base on the results of preliminary experiment, the second part of experiment focused on all kinds of movement of mouse under Windows operation system. The program written in VB 6.0 collected all the data about mouse (move, click, double click, drag, and so on) by background executing the program and then analyzed the performance of mouse after dropped useless actions (meaningless, movement takes to long, and so on). Factors considers include target amplitude (9 levels), direction of movement (8 levels), and thresholds for acceleration of mouse (built-in and user defined). Take 0~100 pixels as level 1 for target amplitude and so forth and divide 360 degree into 8 levels for direction of movement. The dependent variable is movement time. The results indicated that user- defined threshold is better than that which is Windows built-in.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討8
2.1 游標定位設備之探討8
2.2 影響游標點選作業績效之因素10
2.3 電腦定位裝置績效評估之指標14
第三章 研究方法15
3.1 滑鼠種類及運作原理16
3.2 滑鼠動態控制反應比值之控制18
3.3 實驗一 在固定視窗作業下不同滑鼠加速度閥值對滑鼠績效之影響20
3.3.1 作業20
3.3.2 獨立變數20
3.3.3 相依變數22
3.3.4 受測者22
3.3.5 實驗設備23
3.3.6 實驗步驟24
3.4 實驗二 在整體視窗作業下系統內建與自訂滑鼠加速度閥值之比較25
3.4.1 作業28
3.4.2 實驗變數28
3.4.3 受測者29
3.4.4 實驗設備29
3.4.5 實驗步驟30
第四章 結果及分析32
4.1實驗一 在固定視窗作業下不同滑鼠加速度閥值對滑鼠績效之影響32
4.1.2 以總位移來分析37
4.2實驗二 在整體視窗作業下系統內建與自訂滑鼠加速度閥值之比較43
4.2.1 敘述統計43
4.2.2 推論統計45 整體分析45 以短距離來分析50以長距離來分析52
4.2.3 實驗二結論55
第五章 結論與未來研究方向56
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