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研究生(外文):Shui-Tan Liao
論文名稱(外文):Indirectly Authenticated Multiple-Key Agreement Protocol
指導教授(外文):Wei-Bin Lee
外文關鍵詞:AuthenticationKey AgreementSymmetric KeyPublic Key
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At information age, we are using electronic signal to transmit data. But the data in transmission are public. Therefore, the secret data must be encrypted first for sending. Until now, there are two kinds of Cryptosystem available, one is Symmetric Key Cryptosystem and the other is Public Key Cryptosystem. These two kinds of Cryptosystem can be used for secret data exchange. For the practical experience, the Symmetric Key Cryptosystem is more efficiency then Public Key cryptosystem. But there are some distinguish characteristics of Public Key Cryptosystem, such as the signature for authentication. Using signature authentication can verify the identification of one person. The signature authentication scheme belongs to Public Key Cryptosystem.
The efficiency is the major problem in communication, so the Symmetric Key Cryptosystem is better choice in it. But there is no way to establish the symmetric key in public concurrent verifying the identification. Therefore, combine these two different cryptosystem of characteristics will produce authenticated common keys. The newest research of authenticated common keys is that multiple authenticated keys can be generated in a round. But until now, all of the researches need signature information delivering and multiple random numbers generated in each side.
So in the thesis, a brand new authenticated multiple-key agreement scheme is proposed, where only one random seed is exchanged but multiple authenticated keys are constructed in a round. No signature information is required for delivering in our scheme that implies the authentication is indirect and no hash function is necessary. This new scheme makes the communication cost lowest and make a lot of performance improvement.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 Establish Common Secrets 3
2.1 Diffie and Hellman Key Distribution Scheme 3
2.2 Key Agreement Protocol with One-Way Hash Function 4
2.3 Key Agreement Protocol without Using a One-Way Hash Function 5
2.4 Authenticated Multiple-Key Agreement without Using One-Way Hash
Function 9
2.5 Harn-Lin’s New Authenticated Multiple-key Agreement Prevent Forgery
Attack Scheme 14
2.6 Review to Tseng’s Scheme 17
Chapter 3 Our Scheme 21
3.1 Indirect Authentication Multiple-key Agreement 21
3.2 Security Discussion 24
3.3 Efficiency Discussion 25
Chapter 4 Conclusions 27
References 28
Acknowledgement 29
Vita 30
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