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研究生(外文):Chien-Te Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of CPW-fed Plannar Monopole Antenna with Multi-Band Operation
指導教授(外文):S. S. BorJ. Y. Sze
外文關鍵詞:Multi-band operationMonopole antennaCoplanar-waveguide-fed
  • 被引用被引用:5
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摘 要
This thesis proposes a new design of a coplanar-waveguide-fed planar monopole antenna for multi-band operation. Two resonant frequency bands are excited by cutting a ring-shaped metal strip of monopole antennas into two sections with a slit at an angle with respect to the CPW feed line. The two sections are termed long-arc and short-arc sections according to their respective arc lengths. By surrounding the long-arc section of the ring-shaped metal strip with an arc-shaped strip protruded from the straight section of the antenna strip, a new resonant frequency band can be excited at the adjacent frequency band excited by the long-arc section of the ring-shaped metal strip. And, by properly tuning the length of the arc-shaped strip, these two frequency bands can be excited close enough to form a wide operating bandwidth which contains three specified bands.
The dimensions of the proposed antenna design can be predicated by a simple and clear design rule. Feeding by CPW transmission line, the antenna design can be easily implemented and integrated with microwave circuits. Also, the proposed antenna has good omni-directional radiation patterns. The measured antenna gain for operating frequencies within the obtained wide bandwidth is about 2dBi and within a variation of less than 1 dBi.
目 錄
英文摘要……………………………………….…………….... ii
目錄..……………………….………….………………………….. iii
1.1 研究動機..……….…………………………………………..1
1.2 內容提要…………………………………………………….1
第二章 以共面波導饋入之雙頻及寬頻操作單極天線……..……….....3
2.1 簡述 …………………………………………..….….………3
2.2 天線設計……..………………………..……………………..4
第三章 共面波導饋入之三頻帶操作平面式單極天線..……..……….16
3.1 概述 …….………....…………………………..…….……..16
3.3 結果與討論..………...…………………………..………….18
3.3.2 增加雙頻操作單極天線低頻帶操作頻寬之設計…...…20
第四章 共面波導饋入式之雙頻單極天線………………………......35
4.1簡述……………………………………………….………. 35
4.2 天線設計……………………..….……………….………. 35
4.3 實驗與模擬結果之討論..…………………………………. 36
第五章 結論…………………….…………….…………………..48
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