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研究生(外文):Hung, Li-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Polarization Rotation through Monoclinic Distortions in Ferroelectric Crystals (PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)1-x-(PbTiO3)x (PMN-x%PT)
指導教授(外文):Tu, Chi-Shun
外文關鍵詞:mnoclinicferroelectricPMN-x%PTmorphotropic phase boundarydielectric permittivityoptical indicatricescrystalextinction
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針對弛豫型鐵電單晶(PbMn1/3Nb2/3O3)1-x(PbTiO3)x中PMN-37%PT [001] 、 PMN-24%PT [001]、PMN-31%PT [102]和PMN-33%PT [211],在改變溫度或改變外加電場的情況下,其介電常數、極化方向以及結構的改變。並且由橢圓光率體以及消光的關係發現了晶體在溫度以及外加電場下的結構以及極化改變。同時我們也發現了晶體在外加電場下有很明顯的電滯行為。

Because of the ultrahigh piezoelectric response in (PbMn1/3Nb2/3O3)1-x(PbTiO3)x crystals, especially near the morphotropic phase boundary. It is important to have a better understanding of these origins. The structure transition can be driven by temperature and electric field. We believe that the path of polarization rotation is associated with high-strain performance in PMN-PT system. For technological applications, it is necessary to select the right PT concentrate, temperature and electric field in order to ensure the best performance.
Domain structures and dielectric permittivity have been measured as functions of temperature, frequency and electric field on (001)-cut PMN-37%PT, (001)-cut PMN-24%PT, (102)-cut PMN-31%PT and(211)-cut PMN-33%Ptsingle crystals. By using relations of optical indicatrices and extinction, we found the structure and polarization rotation with temperature and electric field changing. The domain structures show a strong hysteresis behavior during processes of increasing and decreasing electric field.

第 一 章 簡 介
1-1晶體點群 (crystallographic point groups) 1
1-1-1 壓電性(Piezoelectrics) 1
1-1-2 熱電性(Pyroelectricity) 2
1-1-3 鐵電性 (Ferroelectric) 2
1-2 鐵電晶體的分類(Ferroelectric Crystals) 7
1-2-1 典型的鐵電晶體( Traditional Ferroelectric Crystals) 7
1-2-2 弛豫型鐵電晶體( Relaxor Ferroelectric Crystals) 8
1-2-3 複合型弛豫鐵電晶體(Complex relaxor Ferroelectric Crystals) 9
1-3 PMN-x%PT 鐵電晶體(PMN-x%PT Ferroelectric Crystals) 13
1-4 鐵電材料的應用(Applications of Ferroelectrics) 15
第 二 章 基 礎 理 論
2-1介電常數理論 16
2-1-1 介電常數的量測 16
2-1-2 介電常數實部、虛部的定義 17
2-2 偏光實驗理論 21
2-2-1 偏振光與偏振片 21 2-2-2 雙折射晶體與兩片互相垂直的偏振片 25
2-2-3 利用消光角度判斷晶體的結構 28
第 三 章 實 驗 過 程
3-1樣品製備 44
3-2實驗量測 45
第 四 章 結果與討論
4-1 PMN-37%PT [001] 49
4-1-1 介電常數的量測 49
4-1-2 偏光未加電場變溫實驗 49
4-1-3 偏光加電場實驗 51
4-2 PMN-24%PT [001] 61
4-2-1 介電常數的量測 61
4-2-2 偏光未加電場變溫實驗 61
4-2-3 偏光加電場實驗 62
4-2-4 偏光加電場後變溫實驗 64
4-3 PMN-31%PT [102] 76
4-3-1 介電常數的量測 76
4-3-2 偏光未加電場變溫實驗 76
4-3-3 偏光加電場實驗 77
4-4 PMN-33%PT [211] 85
4-4-1 介電常數的量測 85
4-4-2 偏光未加電場變溫實驗 85
4-4-3 偏光加電場實驗 86
第 五 章 結論 96
參考文獻 99

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