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研究生(外文):Yi-Jen Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Yield-Mapping Based Sorting Systems in a LCD Firm
指導教授(外文):Jy-Hsin Lin
外文關鍵詞:SchedulingOrder PickingYield MappingOpen Shop
  • 被引用被引用:6
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A new manufacturing process for the TFT-LCD panel has been developed under the cost reduction consideration. Traditional slicing first-bounding later method is replaced by the bounding first-slicing later method. The main problem for this method is the increase of yield loss. The bounding of two large substrates inevitably causes some defective panels bounded with good ones, hence further reduces the yield. To reduce the yield loss, the concept of yield mapping was developed. It first transfers the defects into one to one matching matrix between TFT and CF substrates, and then solves the problem as an assignment matrix.
The research first explored whether the one to one matching matrix could be altered by the arrangements of TFT and CF substrates so that the solution of the assignment matrix would have certain pattern. Next using total completion time as criterion, a total of 36 sorting heuristics were developed and many simulations were conducted to test their performance. The result indicates that when the substrates are arranged according to the quadrant and the centroid methods, the solution cells of the assignment matrix are distributed around the diagonal. The research also concludes that the moving distance has relative strong influence on the selection of sorting heuristics used.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4研究範圍與限制 4
1.5研究流程 5
1.6論文架構 6
第二章 相關文獻探討 7
2.1 TFT- LCD製造程序 7
2.2良率配對 11
2.3開放工廠的排程問題 12
2.4訂單批次分割方法 13
2.5指派問題 14
2.5.1指派問題原型 14
2.5.2匈牙利法(Hungarian Nethod) 15
2.6電腦模擬 17
2.6.1電腦模擬之定義 17
2.6.1電腦模擬之流程 19
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1良率配對 21
3.1.1基板排列位置之探討 21
3.2排序模式的建立 23
3.2.1環境說明 23
3.2.2排序模式的建立 24
第四章 模式建構 31
4.1良率配對 31
4.2排序法則 43
4.2.1 模擬驗證步驟 44
4.2.2 基本模型問題界定與假設 44
4.2.3 主要的排序法則(策略一) 45
4.2.4 其他的排序法則(策略二) 53
4.2.5 結果分析 56
第五章 結論與後續研究方向 63
5.1 結論 63
5.1 後續研究方向 65
參考文獻 66
附錄 69
簡歷 93
圖2-1 液晶顯示器的製造程序 7
圖2-2 TFT-LCD基本構造 8
圖2-4 模擬程序架構 18
圖4-1 TFT與CF之良率配對圖 33
圖4-2 TFT與CF之對應關係圖 33
圖4-3 TFT與CF之對應關係圖(隨機) 34
圖4-4 TFT與CF之對應關係圖(排序) 35
圖4-5 TFT與CF之對應關係圖(象限) 35
圖4-6 TFT與CF之對應關係圖(重心) 35
圖4-7 平滑程度 42
圖4-8 排序機模式 44
表2-1 不同Panel數下各技術表現良率水準 12
表2-2 指派問題因素表列 16
表3-1 3滿1空的排序模式之績效 29
表3-2 2滿2空的排序模式之績效 29
表4-1 TFT與CF基板之良率 32
表4-2 TFT與CF基板對應關係表(基板數為20) 34
表4-3 TFT與CF基板對應關係表(基板數為50) 36
表4-4 依象限排列之分佈狀況 38
表4-5 依重心排列之分佈狀況 39
表4-6 TFT與CF基板對應關係表 40
表4-7 平滑程度 41
表4-8 排序結果分析表 57
表4-9 相似係數之效果比較表 58
表4-10 AGV之移動時間 59
表4-11 法則1-1-1之卡匣移動時間(單位:秒) 60
表4-12 不同的移動距離下之績效 60
表4-13 當空卡匣移動距離改變時兩策略之差異
(以Basic Model為基準) 62
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