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研究生(外文):Ting-Jung Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Product Design Appreciative Type of Young Consumers and its Relationships to the Young Consumer'' Preference towards Products
指導教授(外文):Yeon-Sheng YangJun-Chieh Wu
外文關鍵詞:Q-methodologyQ-sortQ-factor analysisDesign appreciationProduct preferenceYoung consumers
  • 被引用被引用:34
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Young consumers and cell phones are the main targets of my study. The purpose of this study is to explore the types of product design appreciation of consumers and their possible preference on products. Based upon the design characteristics Veryzer (1999) induced and the design consciousness Wu (1999) generalized, this research has resulted in the following five characteristics of product design: product operation, product comprehension, product construction, product desired value, and product style.
This research mainly used Q-methodology and S. D. method, Q-factor analysis, ANOVA, and regression analysis were used to find the contingency and the difference between the types of product design appreciation of young consumers and their preference on products. The result shows that the types of product design appreciation of young consumers could be classified as the following five types: (1) safety and convenience product operation type, (2) desired value of product style type, (3) product’s brand and function comprehension type, (4) product quality guarantee type, and (5) impartial via media type.
In terms of design appreciation: Type 1 focuses on the product operation; Type 2 values product’s form and style; Type 3 attaches importance to their understanding on product functions; Type 4 pays equal attention to product operation, product construction, and style of product while lay emphasis on actual feeling of the fine quality of product design; and Type 5 is insensitive, passive and indifferent to product design and their attitude is easily influenced by other design characteristics. As for the contingency of product preference, product desired value can easily influence the product preference’s attitude of all types, except for Type 3, which is mainly influenced by product style. In terms of product design appreciation, up to 64% of young consumers are belong to Type 1, and 22% are Type 2, it takes up 86% of all young consumers. It’s resulted in product operation and product style being the important factors which will guide consumers in product preference. In addition, the product preference is mainly influenced by the style and the desired value of product.
[目 錄]
摘 要 I
Abstract II
致 謝 IV
目 錄 V
表 錄 VIII
圖 錄 XI
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................1
1.2 研究背景 ............................................2
1.3 研究目的 ............................................6
1.4 研究範圍界定與限制 ..................................7
1.4.1 研究對象 ..........................................8
1.4.2 研究產品樣本 ......................................9
1.5 研究架構與流程 ......................................9
第二章 文獻探討 .......................................12
2.1消費者行為與態度 ....................................12
2.1.1 標準學習層級:認知→情感→行為 ...................14
2.1.2 低涉入學習層級:認知→行為→情感 .................15
2.1.3 經驗學習層級:情感→行為→認知 ...................15
2.1.4 行為學習層級:行為→認知→情感 ...................16
2.2消費者偏好 ..........................................17
2.3 產品設計 ...........................................21
2.4 設計鑑賞、藝術鑑賞與產品的鑑賞 .....................24
2.5消費者對產品設計的認知與情感 ........................27
2.6消費者對產品的設計鑑賞架構之形成 ....................33
第三章 研究方法 .......................................35
3.1 Q方法(Q methodology) .............................36
3.2 語意差異法(Semantic Differential, S.D.) ..........38
3.3 研究步驟說明 .......................................41
3.3.1 問卷設計 .........................................41
3.3.2 陳述句數目選取 ...................................41
3.3.3 陳述句內容篩選與產品類別挑選 .....................42
3.3.4 產品樣本選取 .....................................44
3.3.5 受測者樣本選取 ...................................47
3.3.6專家效度 ..........................................47
3.3.7前測測試 ..........................................49
3.3.8正式測驗 ..........................................53
3.4 資料分析 ...........................................56
3.4.1 Q因素分析 ........................................56
3.4.2 集群分析 .........................................57
3.4.3 變異數分析 .......................................58
3.4.4 迴歸分析 .........................................60
第四章 結果與分析 .....................................61
4.1 年輕消費者對於陳述句的重視程度 .....................61
4.2 年輕消費者之產品設計鑑賞類型 .......................65
4.2.1 類型一:省時安全便利的產品操作型 .................70
4.2.2 類型二:產品風格的價值渴望型 .....................74
4.2.3 類型三:產品的品牌與功能瞭解型 ...................77
4.2.4 類型四:產品品質的保證型 .........................80
4.2.5 類型五:不偏不倚的中庸型 .........................84
4.3 年輕消費者對產品的鑑賞與偏好 .......................89
4.4 年輕消費者之產品設計鑑賞與產品偏好之差異性 .........97
4.4.1 類型一:省時安全便利的產品操作型 ................103
4.4.2 類型二:產品風格的價值渴望型 ....................106
4.4.3 類型三:產品的品牌與功能瞭解型 ..................108
4.4.4 類型四:產品品質的保證型 ........................111
4.4.5 類型五:不偏不倚的中庸型 ........................114
第五章 結 論 .........................................119
5.1 研究結論 ..........................................119
5.2 後續研究與建議 ....................................124
參考資料 ..............................................125
附件一:119題陳述句內容 ...............................129
附件二:61題陳述句內容 ................................133
附件三:50題陳述句內容 ................................135
附件四:受測者基本資料(n=50) ..........................137
附件五:受測者對於極端陳述句內容評述 ..................143
附件六:Q因素分析結果 .................................152
附件七:各類型因子得分表 ..............................154
附件八:變異數分析摘要(17隻手機) ......................156
附件九:正式測試問卷 ..................................159
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