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研究生(外文):Chuen-Heng Ou
論文名稱(外文):Laser fracture ablation and grinding technique for ceramic materials
指導教授(外文):Chwan-Huei Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Laser MachiningLaser GrindingAcoustic EmissionCeramic MaterialFracture Machining
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A new laser machining technique developed from the concept of fracture machining was proposed to produce a micro-removal of ceramic material. A focused laser is scanned along a constant direction to generate micro-cracks on ceramic substrate, forming a fine crack network. A defocused laser is then scanned along the same path again. The laser heat generates tensile stresses that are concentrated at the tip of crack and induces the extension of the micro-cracks. Materials are removed due to the systematical linkage of the micro-cracks. The median cracks, radial cracks, and lateral cracks are formed on the material surface during the laser scribing process. The cracks will link together and form the chip-element, which is the fundamental unit of material removal. The minimum average length of the removed chip-element is about 0.1 mm and the thickness is about 0.02 mm. The surface quality is very good and the arithmetic average surface roughness is about 1.1 mm. The finite element software was used to analyze temperature and stress distribution. The SEM photographs of the machining surface and the acoustic emission data were obtained to analyze the micro-mechanism of the fracture machining process. The relationship between the surface quality and machining parameters was also discussed.
Finally, an acoustic emission system is applied to investigate the phenomena of cracks propagation and linkage during the fracture machining process. The AE sensor can detect a signal when crack is generated. The acoustic emission signal provides useful information about material removal mechanism. The AE signal parameters for investigations were peak amplitude and event counts. The crack formations of laser scribing and controlled fracture, and the crack linkage of laser milling were studied by using the acoustic emission technique.
摘要 I
目錄 III
表錄 VI
圖錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 雷射破裂切割技術 1
1.1.1控制破裂雷射切割 1
1.1.2 雷射破裂銑削 2
1.2 傳統雷射材料去除技術 3
1.2.1雷射燒熔式材料去除 4
1.2.2準分子雷射表面修整 5
1.3本文目的 7
第二章 雷射加工系統與聲射技術 13
2.1雷射加工系統 13
2.2電子顯微鏡 13
2.3聲射系統介紹 14
2.3.1聲射系統設備 14
2.3.2聲射量測系統技術介紹 15
2.3.3聲射系統於破壞量測上之應用 16
2.3.4聲射量測系統參數分析的選擇 17
第三章 雷射破裂磨削原理 27
3.1材料去除模式 27
3.2雷射劃割熱應力與裂紋成長 28
3.3 雷射劃割進給與屑片元素 30
3.4 熱破裂之雷射光點 30
3.5雷射劃割之有限元素分析 32
第四章 雷射破裂磨削實驗 50
4.1雷射破裂磨削實驗程序 50
4.2 網格裂紋與屑片元素之形成 50
4.3 雷射磨削加工條件 51
4.3.1雷射劃割 51
4.3.2雷射熱破裂 52
4.4 加工品質探討 53
4.4.1 表面粗糙度量測 53
4.4.2 雷射劃割裂紋顯微組織觀察 54
4.4.3 熱破裂顯微組織觀察 55
4.5聲射系統量測分析 56
4.5.1 雷射劃割聲波量測分析 56
4.5.2 雷射熱破裂聲波量測分析 57
第五章 雷射破裂切削之聲射量測實驗 84
5.1控制破裂雷射切割之聲射量測實驗 84
5.1.1 雷射劃割聲射訊號分析 85
5.1.2控制破裂切割聲射訊號分析 85
5.1.3控制破裂切割聲射訊號定位分析 87
5.2 邊銑削聲射系統量測實驗 88
5.2.1邊銑削熱破裂聲射訊號分析 88
5.2.2邊銑削聲射訊號定位分析 89
5.3中央銑削聲射系統量測實驗 90
5.3.1中央銑削熱破裂聲射訊號分析 90
5.3.2 中央銑削熱破裂聲射訊號位置之觀察 91
第六章 結論 113
6.1本文重要成果 113
6.2未來研究方向 114
參考文獻 116
簡歷 120
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