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研究生(外文):Shin-Wen Hung
論文名稱(外文):Applying Machine vision to the Automated Inspection of IC Boards
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yen Wu
外文關鍵詞:machine visionimage processingintegrate circle boardautomated inspectiongraphical user interface
  • 被引用被引用:9
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Today’s electric product is very delicate. Numbers of electric components grow very fast. For this reason, the inspection way also needs to more efficient and precise. Machine vision is to be expert in inspection quickly and more precise. Machine vision can work twenty-four hours a day, so it is applying in industrial inspection especially electrics. The propose in this paper is to discuss the applying of machine vision in industrial inspection and generates a automated inspection system of IC boards by writing program. The advantages of this system are lower cost, good ability of inspection and very high flexibility in coordination with manufacture system.
The objects which we interesting are solder, BGA solder ball and IC prints respectively. The features, we interesting, can be highlighted by a series of pre-image processing ways. After processing, the feature values, which in the name of the object that it came from, can be obtain by computing. Then we can take this feature values to compare with the standard ones to judge which is defect and which isn’t. Finish all steps that above described, system will collect the data of inspection and push them into another computer for saving data and analysis. The results of analysis can help us to monitor the production process and make this system actively. In this paper, the system uses the statistical interval evaluated way to make the judge gate of each object. By this way, system can more easy to adapt himself to various production lines. A new idea, Cache, is proven to accelerate the speed of mask operation in pre-image processing. By applying Cache, the cost of computing is less. It is to deserve to be mentioned that we integrated the GUI concept into this system. All the inspection functions are made according to OOP and become components. Setting inspection flow of this system is very easy and instincts and so is adjusting parameters. Of course, user cans make a multi inspection flows system very quick.
This paper proposes some new idea for machine vision applying and indicates another way for interface’s operation.
目 錄
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目 錄 IV
表 目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 VII
圖 目 錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究對象與研究限制 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 機器視覺檢驗系統概論 3
第二節 影像前處理 ( PRE-IMAGE PROCESSING ) 4
壹、 照射光源 ( Lighting Source ) 5
貳、 色彩空間轉換 ( Color Space Transformation ) 5
參、 校正 ( Alignment ) 6
肆、 二值化 ( Thresholding ) 7
伍、 影像分割 ( Image Segmentation ) 9
第三節 特徵擷取與瑕疵判斷: 10
第四節 製程整合與資訊輸出 12
第三章 積體電路板自動化檢驗 13
第一節 瑕疵定義與說明 13
壹、 穿透型元件的銲點瑕疵 13
貳、 BGA封裝型態元件的銲球瑕疵 15
參、 IC批號瑕疵 17
第二節 影像前處理( PRE-IMAGE PROCESSING ) 18
壹、 灰階化 (Gray Scale) 18
貳、 雜訊消除 ( Noise Reduction ) 19
參、 定位 ( Alignment ) 21
肆、 二值化 ( Thresholding ) 27
伍、 投射 ( Projection ) 28
陸、 邊緣偵測(Edge Detection) 30
柒、 消蝕(Erosion) 32
捌、 擴張(Dilation) 33
玖、 影像編碼(Labeling) 33
第三節 前處理速度最佳化 37
第四節 元件圖形化的系統概念 41
第五節 特徵擷取 43
壹、 特徵值擷取 (Feature Extraction) 44
貳、 檢驗所需之特徵值 47
第六節 瑕疵檢驗流程與檢驗法則 48
壹、 銲點方面 50
貳、 BGA封裝元件銲球 54
參、 IC批號方面 57
第四章 實驗方法與結果分析 61
第一節 實驗環境與設備說明 61
第二節 快取法的適用性分析與討論 63
第三節 銲點、BGA封裝元件銲球與IC批號檢驗實驗結果 69
壹、 銲點方面 69
貳、 BGA封裝元件銲球 71
參、 IC批號方面 72
第五章 結論 75
參考文獻 77
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