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研究生(外文):Chih-Mei Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Mechanisms Involved in Apoptosis Induced by Apoptin-associated proteins
指導教授(外文):Chun-yee Yuoyuh-Jyh Jong
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Apoptin是一個由雞貧血病毒所產生的病毒蛋白, 已知會造成轉型細胞株的凋亡, 但對正常細胞卻無作用。 Apoptin誘發的細胞凋亡不需要p53蛋白的參與, 而且不會被Bcl-2所抑制, 因此Apoptin具有治療腫瘤的潛力, 特別是針對那些p53缺失或Bcl-2過度表現的腫瘤。 在轉型細胞株中, Apoptin位於細胞核內, 而Apoptin所造成的細胞凋亡, 也與其在細胞核的分佈有關。 我們認為瞭解Apoptin所造成的細胞凋亡機制, 將有助於未來在癌症治療上的應用。由我們的的研究中,以yeast two-hybrid之方法,分離到四種與Apoptin相互結合之蛋白, APAP1-4。由序列分析顯示APAP1為類似DEDAF,RYBP之蛋白,我們證實了APAP1與Apoptin在in vivo以及在in vitro可以相互結合。APAP1 為一個核蛋白,且將APAP1與Apoptin共同表現於 HeLa cell 中,他們會共同分佈於細胞核之位置,但於正常之HEL之細胞中,Apoptin主要分佈於細胞質中,僅有少量之Apoptin與APAP1分佈於細胞核之位置。若將APAP1大量表現於人類細胞則會造成細胞凋亡。 我們亦發現利用antisense APAP1來抑制內生性之APAP1,可以抑制由Apoptin所誘導之細胞凋亡,顯示APAP1在Apoptin所誘導之細胞凋亡過程中應扮演一定的角色。而 APAP1在腫瘤細胞株中比在正常細胞株中的表現量亦較高。APAP4為一類似Hippi之蛋白,Hippi為 Hip-1( Huntingtin interacting protein 1)之結合蛋白。而且Hip-1與Hippi均含有一類似DED之domain。我們證實APAP4/Hippi在in vivo以及在in vitro可以相互結合。我們亦發現Apoptin與APAP1以及APAP4結合之為區域是相同的,均位於Apoptin 的第1到第59個氨基酸之位置 。若將Apoptin以及APAP4共同表現於人類的細胞中,我們發現,Apoptin與APAP4在人類正常之HEL細胞中分佈細胞質內相同的區域,但於腫瘤的HeLa細胞中,則分佈於不同的區域。另外,我們也利用yeast two-hybrid assay之方法篩選到另一個與APAP4相互結合之蛋白,Nmi(N-myc/STAT interactor),有趣的是Nmi已被發現在interferon調控之下會與IFP35蛋白結合,而IFP-35即為我們發現之另外一個Apoptin結合蛋白APAP3。我們也發現APAP4在正常細胞株比在腫瘤細株胞中之表現量為高。 在本論文中,我們主要針對了APAP1以及APAP4進行其功能之分析以及探討其在對於由Apoptin所誘導之細胞凋亡過程中所扮演之角色,並經由此一細胞凋亡機制的探討,了解Apoptin在臨床上可能之應用潛力.

A chicken anemia virus-derived protein VP-3 (Apoptin) was reported to cause apoptosis in human transformed cell lines but not in normal cells. Apoptosis induced by Apoptin is p53-independent and Bcl-2-insensitive, making Apoptin a potential agent for treatment of cancers, including those lacking p53 or overexpressing Bcl-2. However, the molecular mechanism of Apoptin-induced apoptosis has not yet been elucidated. In this study, we had identified four Apoptin-associated proteins, named APAP1, APAP2, APAP3 and APAP4, by yeast two-hybrid screening. Sequence analysis of APAP1 revealed that APAP1 is identical to DEDAF( death effector domain associated factor) and RYBP( Ring 1 and YY1 binding protein). DEDAF is a protein with the ability to interact with the death effector domains (DEDs) of caspase-8 and caspase-10. Sequence analysis of APAP4 revealed that APAP4 is identical to Hippi, a protein interactor of huntingtin interacting protein 1 (HIP-1). Interestingly, both HIP-1 and Hippi contain a domain with homology to DED. The binding of APAP1 and APAP4 to Apoptin in human cells was demonstrated by GST pull down assay and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Overexpression of APAP1 induced apoptosis in both cancerous HeLa cells and normal HEL cells, however less apoptotic toxicity was observed when HeLa and HEL cells were overexpressed with APAP4. Both APAP1 and APAP4 were bound to the identical region of Apoptin which was localized in the N terminus of a.a. 1-59. The immunofluorescence assay was performed to study the cellular localization of APAP1 and APAP4 in HeLa and HEL cells. APAP1 was localized mainly in the nuclear region of both cell lines, the colocalization of APAP1 and Apoptin was seen in the nucleus region of tumorous HeLa cells. However, only little amount of Apoptin was seen colocalized in the nucleus region of HEL cells. The colocalization of Apoptin and APAP4 was not observed. However, Apoptin and APAP4 were seen localized perfectly in HEL cells. The protein expression level of APAP1 and APAP4 was also studied. Higher APAP1 expression level was observed in various tumor cell lines compared to the normal cell lines. In contrast, the expression level of APAP4 was lower in the tumor cell lines compared to the normal cells. In addition, by using APAP4 as a bait for the further screening of APAP4-associated proteins, an N-myc interactor ( Nmi ) protein was identified. Interestingly, Nmi was also a binding partner of APAP3/IFP35, an interferon induced protein. In this study, by the cloning and characterization of the Apoptin associated proteins APAP1 and APAP4, we had proposed the possible roles of APAP1 and APAP4 in the apoptotic pathway induced by Apoptin in human tumor cells, and hopefully the suggested model will be beneficial for the clinical application of Apoptin.

第一章 細胞凋亡之簡介及歷史……………………………………………… 1
第二章 鷄貧血病毒 Apoptin 結合蛋白之篩選:酵母菌雙雜交分析 …… 15
第三章 Apoptin-Associated Protein 1參與細胞凋亡機制之探討 …… 27
第四章 Apoptin-Associated Protein 4參與細胞凋亡機制之探討 …… 54
第五章 綜合討論 …………………………………………………………… 70
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………………… 74
附錄一 APAP1 cDNA ………………………………………………………… 88
附錄二 APAP2 cDNA ………………………………………………………… 90
附錄三 APAP3/IFP35 cDNA ………………………………………………… 98
附錄四 APAP4 cDNA ………………………………………………………… 100
附錄四 論文著述 …………………………………………………………… 103

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