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研究生(外文):Hung Hui Jung
論文名稱(外文):Effectsof Music Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Sleep Quality of the Cancer Patients
指導教授(外文):Chen Chung Hey
外文關鍵詞:Music TerapyCancerAnxietyDepressionSleep Quality
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Since 1982,Malignant Neoplasm has been the first cause of deaths in Taiwan. Cancer patients always suffer from many physical and psychological problems that come from the disease itself or the side effects caused by treatment. As a non-threatening intervention without any side effect, music therapy is acceptable and easily applicable for those cancer patients with physical or psychological distress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of music therapy on cancer patient''''''''s anxiety, depression, and sleep quality during their hospitalization. Pretest-Posttest control group design was used in this study. The participants were cancer patients who were randomly assigned to the experimental and the control group at a medical center in southern Taiwan. Thirty-four patients including sixteen experimental subjects and eighteen control subjects have completed the study. The experimental group had received the traditional routine care and music therapy for one week, while the control group had received only the traditional routine care. The instruments utilized in the study were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The experimental group had filled the Evaluation Form of Music Therapy in the posttest period. The results indicated that the experimental group had significantly decreased on the anxiety and depression levels than the control group as evaluated at the end of one week session. No significant difference was found in sleep quality between two groups. All the patients in the experimental group were satisfied with the music therapy. We suggest the health professionals can utilize the music therapy to reduce cancer patients'''''''' anxiety and depression, and therefore to improve the quality of life during their hospitalization.
第一章 前言
第一節 重要性.................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的.................................................. 3
第三節 名詞定義.................................................. 3
第二章 文獻查證
第一節 癌症概論.................................................. 5
第二節 癌症與焦慮................................................ 8
第三節 癌症與憂鬱................................................11
第四節 癌症與睡眠品質............................................13
第五節 音樂治療與相關研究........................................17
第六節 音樂治療於癌症照護........................................22
第三章 研究方法
第一節 假設性研究架構............................................25
第二節 研究假設..................................................26
第三節 研究對象..................................................26
第四節 研究工具..................................................26
第五節 研究步驟..................................................30
第六節 研究對象之權益............................................33
第七節 前驅研究與正式研究........................................33
第八節 資料分析..................................................37
第四章 研究結果
第一節 研究對象的基本屬性及疾病狀況..............................39
第二節 音樂喜好之評估及選擇類型..................................47
第三節 研究對象焦慮、憂鬱及睡眠品質前測之分析....................49
第四節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患焦慮程度之成效......................64
第五節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患憂鬱程度之成效......................65
第六節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患睡眠品質之成效......................67
第七節 音樂治療總評值............................................68
第五章 討論
第一節 研究對象基本屬性、疾病狀況及音樂喜好之分析................71
第二節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患焦慮程度之成效......................72
第三節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患憂鬱程度之成效......................73
第四節 音樂治療對改善癌症病患睡眠品質之成效......................74
第六節 音樂治療總評值............................................75
第七節 實證性研究架構............................................77
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論......................................................78
第二節 應用與建議................................................80
附錄一 參與研究同意書............................................92
附錄二 專家效度名單..............................................94
附錄三 研究工具..................................................95
附錄四 研究工具使用同意書.......................................100
附錄五 音樂治療曲目.............................................106
附錄六 社經地位分類表...........................................107
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