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研究生(外文):Hsu Li-Fang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of School Physical Activity Program among Female Adolescents in A Vocational Nursing School
指導教授(外文):Wang Ruey-Hsia
外文關鍵詞:physical activity programfemale adolescentsexercise knowledgeexercise attitudeexercise self-efficacyexercise behaviorCardiorespiratory fitness
  • 被引用被引用:32
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The major purpose of this research was to explore the effectiveness of physical activities program on exercise knowledge, exercise attitude, exercise self-efficacy, exercise behavior, and cardiorespiratory fitness among the second-year female students in a Vocational Nursing School. A nonequivalent-control- group design was used in the study. An experimental group and a control group﹙c1﹚, which included 88 and 89 students respectively, were selected from a Vocational high school. Another control group﹙c2﹚ for avoiding cross-contamination within same school, which consisted of 99 students was selected from another Vocational high school. A total of 276 students, in 3 groups participated in this program. All participants completed a survey constructed questionnaire that included exercise knowledge, exercise attitude, exercise self-efficacy, exercise behavior, and cardiorespiratory fitness. All subjects completed the questionnaire at both the pre-test and the post-test. One week after the pre-test, the experimental group took part in the 12-week physical activity program, while the two other control groups did not engage in the physical activity program. The statistical analysis included percentage, mean , one-way ANOVA, Chi-square test, paired t-test, and repeated-measures two-way ANOVA.
The result of the study showed that the increase of exercise knowledge and cardiorespiratory fitness among experimental group was significantly higher than that of the two control groups. The exercise attitude and self-efficacy experimental group had a more significantly positive change than that of the c1 control group, but had no significant difference with respect to the c2 control group. The exercise behavior experimental group had a more significantly positive change than that of c2 control group, but had no significant difference with respect to the c1 control group. Overall, 90 % of the students in the experimental group liked this physical activity program, and had felt that it was helpful. The results of this research could be used as a reference for school nurses to promote physical activities for students female adolescents students.
目 錄
第一章 前言----------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機---------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻查證-----------------------------------------------4
第一節 體適能-----------------------------------------------4
第二節 影響體適能的相關因素--------------------------------9
第三節 社會學習理論於運動介入策略的應用--------------------16
第四節 體適能運動計劃介入的實證性研究----------------------20
第三章 研究架構與假設----------------------------------------25
第一節 研究架構--------------------------------------------25
第二節 研究假設--------------------------------------------26
第三節 名詞界定--------------------------------------------26
第四章 研究方法-----------------------------------------------29
第一節 研究設計--------------------------------------------29
第二節 研究對象--------------------------------------------29
第三節 研究工具--------------------------------------------30
第四節 介入策略--------------------------------------------36
第五節 研究工具的信、效度----------------------------------38第六節 研究對象的權益維護----------------------------------39
第七節 研究步驟--------------------------------------------40
第八節 資料分析方法----------------------------------------42
第五章 研究結果-----------------------------------------------45
第一節 研究對象的基本資料及各組前測資料之比較--------------45
第二節 運動計劃介入後之成效-------------------------------53
第三節 運動計劃介入之過程評價------------------------------66
第六章 討論--------------------------------------------------74
第一節 運動計畫介入效果-----------------------------------74
第二節 運動計畫介入策略-----------------------------------82
第七章 結論、建議與限制--------------------------------------89
第一節 結論------------------------------------------------89
第二節 建議------------------------------------------------90
第三節 限制------------------------------------------------92
圖3-1 研究架構--------------------------------------------25
圖5-2 三組學生運動態度平均得分變化圖-----------------------56
圖5-3 三組學生運動自我效能平均得分變化圖-------------------58
圖5-4 三組學生心肺適能活動指數平均得分變化圖---------------62
圖5-5 三組學生八百公尺平均秒數變化圖-----------------------65
表2-1 健康體能與競技體能之比較------------------------------5
表2-2 以Bandura社會學習理論概念之介入策略分析--------------19
表4-1 運動計畫介入策略分析---------------------------------37
表4-2 各量表之信度-----------------------------------------39
表4-3 研究計劃步驟及計畫執行進度表-------------------------42
表5-1 三組學生年齡之分佈及比較-----------------------------46
表5-6 三組學生前測800公尺跑走得分的分佈及變異數分析-------51
表5-7 三學生前測800公尺常模之分佈及比較--------------------51
表5-18三組學生運動種類前後測之分佈情形---------------------63表5-19 三組學生800公尺跑走秒數前後測之配對t檢定-----------64
表5-20 三組學生800公尺跑走秒數之重複量數雙因子變異數分析---65
表5-21 三組學生800公尺百分等級前後測之分佈情形-------------66
表5-22 三組學生自覺師長鼓勵運動及同儕運動行為前後
表5-23 實驗組學生對計劃介入之評量--------------------------70
附錄A 校園運動計畫介入對某高職護校二年級女生心
附錄B 體適能小秘笈手冊-----------------------------------108
附錄C 體適能宣傳單張-------------------------------------114
附錄D 專家效度審核名單-----------------------------------115
附錄E 團體衛教內容---------------------------------------116
附錄F 研究工具使用同意書---------------------------------129
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 鍾志強(2000)‧ 運動自我效能對大學生運動行為的影響‧科技學刊,(9),1,59-80。
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3. 張美莉(1995)‧10與14週階梯有氧及高衝擊有氧舞蹈學習課程對一般大學女生健康體適能影響的探討‧大專體育,23,120-131。
4. 黃文俊(1999)‧十六歲高中女生之坐式生活型態在健康體適能之影響‧大專體育, 44,31-38。
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8. 林貴福(2000)‧體適能和學校教學‧學校體育,10(4),4-8。
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10. 沈莉青、張宏明、李文娟、陳美榕‧學生體適能與運動健康態度之研究‧德明學報,16(12),281-293。
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12. 李文娟(2000)‧推展校園體適能活動‧ 德明學報,15(12),223-234。
13. 呂昌明、林旭龍、黃奕清、李明憲、王淑芳(2000)‧身體活動自我報告量表之效度及信度的研究-以TriTrac-R3D三度空間加速器為效標‧衛生教育學報,99-113。