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研究生(外文):chu yen ling
論文名稱(外文):Intervention study of oral health education on junior high school children in Ping-Tung county aboriginal area
指導教授(外文):shieh tien yu
外文關鍵詞:aboriginal junior high school childrenoral health education intervention
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The aims of this study were both to understand such factors as oral condition, oral health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors among aboriginal youth in Ping-tung County and to evaluate the effect of oral health education intervention.
The aboriginal junior high school students schildren in Ping-tung County were selected through purposive sampling as research samples (99 students in the experimental group and 96 students in the control group).
Both groups were subjected to the oral examination and pre-test for the researcher to determine their oral health condition and evaluation benchmark respectively. Within a week after the education intervention, which lasted for a month (six units), the post-test was executed to understand the immediate effects of the education intervention; the second-post-test was implemented after two months to evaluate the continuous effects of the education intervention.
The results of data analysis were presented as follows:1.The DMFT value of the experimental group was 4.78 and that of the control group 3.75.2.Since the caries prevalence rate was over 80%, the severity of the students’ caries was apparent.3.As for health knowledge, the knowledge of oral health protection, cigarette smoking, betel quid chewing and alcohol consumption significantly improved among the experimental group members after the education intervention. With respect to the knowledge of oral health protection, though the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group revealed significant difference in the pre-test, the mean score of the experimental group increased after the education intervention. But both groups did not showed significant difference in this respect in the post-test.4.In the aspect of attitudes, the comparisons between pre-test and post-test, post-test and second-post-test, and pre-test and second -post-test revealed significant differences in the experimental group after the education intervention; in the same group, the attitudes toward oral health protection, smoking, betel quid chewing and alcohol consumption also improved significantly. Yet, such results were not found in the control group.5.As for oral health behaviors, the difference of the two groups’ percentages of using fluoride toothpaste was statistically significant in the post-test. Meanwhile, the number of people who brushed their teeth once or more also increased significantly. In terms of teeth-brushing methods, Horizontal Scrub Method was adopted by most participants (58.58%) in the experimental group at the time of pre-test, and Bass Method (95.96%) in the same group at the time of post-test.6.Although the mean scores of the participants’ knowledge of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and betel nut chewing were high, the subjects’ behaviors still did not change accordingly. It is clear that the changes of the participants’ behaviors are not immediate. However, community resources should be utilized to increase community activities to divert the youth’s attention so as to decrease the occurrence of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption and betel quid chewing behaviors.
Key words: aboriginal junior high school children, oral health education intervention
致謝 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
第一節研究背景 1
第二節研究目的 2
第三節名詞定義 3
第一節與口腔保健有關之流行病學研究 4
第二節口腔保健衛生教育介入之探討 5
第三節菸、酒、檳榔對口腔之影響 8
第四節口腔自我檢查之文獻 10
第一節研究對象 12
第二節研究工具 12
第三節研究過程 13
第四節介入研究之衛教內容 14
第五節統計方法 15
第一節樣本之基本資料 16
第二節樣本之口腔狀況 17
第三節樣本之統計結果 18
第四節衛教介入後之成效 22
第一節口腔衛生狀況 28
第二節衛教介入後之成效 30
第三節限制 35
第一節結論 36
第二節建議 37
參考文獻 39
表格目錄 47
附錄 72
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