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研究生(外文):Liu, Ting-Jung
論文名稱(外文):On Managing New Product Development and Its Impact on R&D Performance
指導教授(外文):Yu, Hung-Liang
外文關鍵詞:new product developmentR&D performanceregression analysis
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The rapid changes in market demands have led to increasingly complex product features and much shorter product life cycles. Companies competing in this fierce environment have to advance their research and development (R&D) capabilities in new or improved products, sometimes highly customized for their customers, in order to survive or compete for orders. Many companies in Taiwan are now shifting their focus from manufacturing to new product development for higher profits and better market positions. It is of critical importance for these companies to effectively manage their R&D sections, both in terms of costs and efficiency, to increase abilities in areas such as acquiring related technologies and fast productization. This study is exploratory in nature, tying to identify the management behaviors that have the greatest effects on the R&D capabilities, and how these behaviors impact on the R&D performance of the companies.
This thesis first identifies the management control behaviors in the R&D department, and then uses survey questionnaires for testing the framework. The subjects for this survey were the managers of the R&D departments in the information hardware and software industries. The responses were analyzed using regression models. The results show that management controls in award and strategic goal settings, as well as involvements in execution and objective setting were highly significant in affecting R&D capabilities, which also influence the R&D performance measures.
目 錄
第一章 緒論………………………………………………..……………1
1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………………1
1.1.1 供應鏈管理趨勢…………………………………………………1
1.1.2 台灣發展設計研發的背景………………………………………4
1.1.3 我國研發體系之現況……………………………………………5
1.2 研究動機……………………………………………………………6
1.3 研究目的……………………………………………………………6
1.4 研究問題……………………………………………………………7
1.5 研究步驟……………………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………..……………9
2.1 新產品研發管理……………………………………………………9
2.2 廠商研發力…………………………………………...…………13
2.2.1 廠商能力定義…………………………………………….13 2.2.2 廠商研發能力……………………………………….....13
2.3 新產品研發績效評估..……..……………….…………………18
第三章 研究方法………………………………….…………………..28
3.1 研究架構………………………..……………………………….28
3.2 研究要素之操作性定義與衡量..……………………………….29
3.2.1 新產品研發管理..………………………….…………..29 3.2.2 廠商研發能力………..…….…………………………..30 3.2.3 新產品研發績效評估..……..………………………….31
3.3 問卷設計……………..………………………………………….32
3.4 問卷調查研究對象…..………………………………………….34
3.5 研究方法..………..….…………………………………………35
第四章 資料分析與結果…………….………………………………..36
4.1 描述性統計析……………………………………………….36 4.1.1 問卷回收情形……………..…………………………...36 4.1.2 樣本基本資料分析…..……..………………………….36
4.2 效度檢測…..……………………………………………….39 4.2.1 內容效度..……………………………………………...39 4.2.2 建構效度..……………..……………………………….39
4.3 因數分析..……………………………………………………….40
4.4 信度檢測………..……………………………………………….46
4.5 研究假說……..………………………………………………….46
4.6 迴歸分析..……………………………………………………….49
第五章 結論與建議..………………………………………………….60
5.1 研究結論………………………..…………………………….…60
5.2 管理上的意涵………..……………………………………….…62
5.3 研究限制…..………………………………………………….…63
5.4 後續研究建議…..……………………………………………….64
附錄一 研究問卷..………………………………………….…………69
圖1-1 供應鏈發展未來趨勢……………………………………………2
圖1-2 研究步驟圖………………………………………………………8
圖2-1 研發管理行為架構圖……………………………………………10
圖2-2 IRON模式…………………………………………………………23
圖2-3 IRCE模式…………………………………………………………24
圖2-4 IROT模式…………………………………………………………25
圖3-1 本研究觀念性架構………………………………………………29
圖4-1 修正後研究模型…………………………………………………45
圖4-2 驗證後研究模型…………………………………………………54
表1-1 採行供應鏈管理利益……………………………………………2
表1-2 全球不同區域的SCM市場規模預估…………………………….3
表1-3 全球不同區域的SCM市場成長率預估………………………….3
表1-4 1999年-2003年台灣ERP、SCM、CRM市場營收預估……………4
表2-1 新產品研發管理參考文獻………….……………………….…12
表2-2 研發能力要項構面………………………………………. ……16
表2-3 研發能力要項構面………………………………………. ……17
表2-4 研發績效評估指標………………………………………. ……26
表3-1 研究變項與研究題目……………………………………. ……33
表4-1 問卷回收情形表……………………………….………… ……36
表4-2 回收問卷廠商研發型態定義表………………………… ……36
表4-3 回收問卷廠商研發型態統計表…………………………. ……37
表4-4 各研究項目之描述性統計分析………….……………… ……37
表4-5 項目分數與總分相關分析表………………….………… ……39
表4-6 新產品研發管理因素分析因素負荷量表………………. ……41
表4-7 研發能力因素分析因素負荷量…………………………. ……42
表4-8 新產品研發績效因素分析因素負荷量表………………. ……42
表4-9 修正後研究組成題項……………………………………. ……43
表4-10 信度檢測…………………………………………………. ……46
表4-11 總樣本迴歸分析彙整……………………………………. ……51
表4-12 總樣本迴歸分析彙整……………………………………. ……51
表4-13 研究假說檢定……………………………………………. ……53
表4-14 產業別比較迴歸分析彙整………………………………. ……55
表4-15 產業別比較迴歸分析彙整………………………………. ……55
表4-16 迴歸分析顯著影響性關表………………………………. ……58
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