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研究生(外文):Sheng-Wei Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Traffic Engineering over MPLS for Differentiated Services
指導教授(外文):Jin-Long Wang
外文關鍵詞:MPLSQoSQoS Routing
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網際網路的快速發展,如何在有限的頻寬內提供更好的服務品質則是愈來愈重要的議題,而多重協定標籤交換(MPLS)是一個新的技術,它使用標籤轉送(label forwarding)的方式,減低路由器繁複的轉送,而透過多重協定標籤交換顯路由,更可有效的分配頻寬與服務品質的提供。
而本論文的主要研究重點則在服務品質路由(QoS Routing)中整合多重路徑,以期達到更好的服務保證,並且針對不同服務等級,採用侵占低優先等級流量的演算法,以確保高優先等級流量可以先使用頻寬。並且經由模擬結果得知,本論文所提的演算法將有效的改良頻寬的使用率,降低阻塞發生的機率。

With rapid development of the Internet, how to provide better quality of service (QoS) becomes an increasingly important topic. MPLS is a new technology that uses label forwarding to reduce complicated transfer of a router and provide efficient bandwidth distribution and QoS through the explicit routing of MPLS.
The focus of this paper is to study a model integrating multiple paths in QoS routing to provide better service, and ensure priority use in bandwidth based on different service level using preemption algorithm. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm could effectively improve bandwidth use and reduce occurrences of blocking.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 MPLS Network
2.1 Multiprotocol Label Switching
2.1.1 MPLS Architecture
2.1.2 MPLS Format
2.1.3 Label Swapping
2.2 Label Distribution
2.2.1 LDP (Label Distribution Protocol)
2.2.2 CR-LDP (Constraint-Base Routing LDP)
2.2.3 RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol)
2.3 IntServ and DiffServ
2.3.1 InterServ
2.3.2 Diffserv
2.3.3 DSCP and PHB
2.4 Traffic Engineering
Chapter 3 QoS Routing Algorithm
3.1 QoS Routing
3.1.1 OSPF and QOSPF
3.1.2 K Shortest Algorithm
3.2 Previous Work
3.2.1 WSP (Widest Shortest Path)
3.2.2 Per-Pair WSP
Chapter 4 The Proposed Algorithm
4.1 Load-Sharing WSP (Multi-Path)
4.2 Per-Pair Load-sharing WSP
4.3 Link-weight Per-Pair Load-sharing WSP
4.4 Preemption Priority Per-Pair Load-sharing WSP
Chapter 5 Simulation Result
5.1 Simulation Environment
5.2 Simulation Result
Chapter 6 Conclusion

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