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研究生(外文):Jan Chun
論文名稱(外文):The Macroeconomic Determinants of Liquidity:Evidence from Taiwan Stock Market
指導教授(外文):Kuo Biing Shen
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This study investigates the common factors of the stock market liquidity and examine whether the variations of liquidity can be explained by the general macroeconomic variables. In contrast with pervious research which focuses on the firm-specific determinants of liquidity, our study emphasizes the influence of a macro-perspective aspect on the market-wide liquidity. Consistent with what other studies documented in the U.S. security market, we first evidence commonality in liquidity in Taiwan stock market. We also find exchange rate, industrial production index, and money supply are positively correlated with stock liquidity while interest rate and inflation rate are negatively related to liquidity. Furthermore, we show that macroeconomic variables impose influences of different magnitudes on stock liquidity during different stages of business cycles though the empirical results are not statistically significant in our study. This research helps us learn more about the relationship between stock market liquidity and the macro economy and provides another prospect of how liquidity changes in the long run.
2.Literature Review..........................................6
2.1Commonality in Liquidity.................................6
2.2Relationship between Stock Returns and Macro-economic Factors......................................................7
3.The Data...................................................9
4.Liquidity Measures.........................................11
5.Seasonality in Liquidity...................................14
6.Empirical Systematic Movements in Measures of Liquidity....19
6.1Empirical evidence of common factors of liquidity........19
6.2Economic Variables and Systematic Liquidity..............25
6.2.1The Macroeconomic Variables...........................26
6.2.2Empirical Tests and Returns...........................32
6.3Business Cycle and Liquidity.............................38
6.3.1The Business Cycle....................................38
6.3.2Empirical Results.....................................41
6.3.3Economic Variables and Business Cycle.................46
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