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論文名稱(外文):The study on strategic planning of electronic resources sharing library consortia
指導教授(外文):Yang, Heng-Li
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In the 1990s, academic libraries were faced with pressure to compete and a tendency towards renovation. The concept and demands of library consortium once again received serious attention. This study’s research scope is the rise and development of electronic resources sharing for cooperation with main library consortium organizations in the 1990s. The method of case study was used, and the United States’ OhioLINK, Mainland China’s CALIS, and the domestic CONCERT were used as the case research subjects.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the special characteristics of the operation of electronic resources sharing library consortium during the 1990s and their cooperative service issues, strategic planning, and modes of operation. The primary research results and contributions addressed the structure of strategic planning and modes of operation for electronic resources sharing library consortium in the 1990s. This can then be used as a reference for when library consortium does practical service and operations planning. The modes of electronic resources sharing library consortium include:
1.Operational Structure: The three big aspects are background and resources of organizations, activities and achievements, and strategies and management.
2.There are twenty items of important structural documents: origins of backgrounds and motives for cooperation, consortium members, organization’s structure, organization’s resources, organization’s expenses, establishment of information foundations, service targets, cooperative service items, activities and achievements, evaluations of the external environment and examinations of internal organizations, demand reviews, common hopes and expectations, mission declarations, core value, assignment objectives, movement plans, leadership management, management of core issues, organization transformations, and reviews of organizations.
3.The cooperative service items include these 14 items: cooperative development and standardized development of information resource hardware and software, joint purchases, cooperative collection development, cooperative catalogues, union catalogs, interlibrary loans, document delivery, online reference desk services, education and training, technical support, advice and consulting guidance, digital library services and management, and distance learning and services.
4.The 11 items of movement strategy include: emphasizing the transfer of key technologies and abilities, emphasizing effective resource distribution, expanding access to resources, joint licensing and joint agreements, placing importance on using power to cope and contractual management, emphasizing market cooperation strategies, emphasizing the establishment of internal and external companion relationships, placing importance on popularizing sales, cohering to the members’ common consensus and organization agreements, possessing high level management powers for overall planning, and emphasizing cost-benefit analysis.
This study recommends: 1.) In order to establish head resource planning and distribution strategies for nation-wide electronic resource sharing, establish nation-wide library consortium management centers, line up funding, and make sturdy library consortium organizational structures and capabilities. 2.) In order to make recommendations for the cooperative service scope and companion relationship operation categories of CONCERT expanded resource sharing, place importance upon leadership management and the quality of policy making. In addition, establish a measurement system for organization operation results. 3.) Appeal for the coherence to the common consensus of consortium members. Collectively establish the operational capability of consortium organizations to be autonomous and spontaneous to bring limited resources into full play with the greatest possible results.
目次 I
表目次 Ⅲ
圖目次 Ⅳ
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第五節 名詞解釋 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 圖書館聯盟的意涵與歷史 11
第二節 圖書館聯盟的種類與合作模式 19
第三節 策略規劃的意涵與理論 22
第四節 圖書館聯盟策略規劃相關研究 28
第三章 研究方法與步驟
第一節 研究方法 43
第二節 研究架構 44
第三節 研究實施與步驟 45
第四章 美國「俄亥俄州圖書資訊網路合作聯盟」(OhioLINK)個案
第一節 聯盟背景與資源 48
第二節 聯盟活動與成果 59
第三節 聯盟策略與管理 69
第五章 大陸「中國高等教育文獻保障系統」(CALIS)個案
第一節 聯盟背景與資源 84
第二節 聯盟活動與成果 96
第三節 聯盟策略與管理 102
第六章 臺灣「全國學術電子資源資訊共享聯盟」(CONCERT)個案
第一節 聯盟背景與資源 119
第二節 聯盟活動與成果 128
第三節 聯盟策略與管理 132
第七章 個案研究分析與綜合討論
第一節 聯盟背景與資源分析 139
第二節 聯盟活動與成果分析 144
第三節 聯盟策略與管理分析 147
第四節 綜合討論 151
第八章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 158
第二節 建議 161
參考書目 164
(中文版) 176
附錄三、美國OhioLINK聯盟問卷填答紀錄 180
附錄四、臺灣CONCERT聯盟訪談紀錄 182
表2-1 策略規劃程序表 26
表4-1 OhioLINK研究型資料庫訂購成本效益分析 68
表5-1 CALIS「九五」期間一期建設與「十五」期間二期建設比較 111
表6-1 2000-2002年度教育部/國科會補助CONCERT資料庫經費 124
表6-2 CONCERT 2001年度引進國外電子資源學門分佈狀況 126
表6-3 1999-2003年度CONCERT引進電子資源系統與資料庫種數 130
表7-1 電子資源共享圖書館聯盟營運策略規劃分析 155
表7-2 電子資源共享圖書館聯盟營運模式 157
圖3-1 本論文之研究架構 44
圖3-2 多重個案研究程序 46
圖4-1 OhioLINK網站首頁 49
圖4-2 OhioLINK 聯盟會員分佈 51
圖4-3 OhioLINK委員會組織架構 53
圖4-4 OhioLINK聯盟中心工作人員組織編制 54
圖4-5 1989-2003年度OhioLINK總預算經費 55
圖4-6 1992-2003年度OhioLINK經費用途分佈 56
圖4-7 1992-2002年度OhioLINK電子資料庫種數 57
圖4-8 1994至2000年度OhioLINK服務師生人口結構比例 60
圖4-9 1994-2003年度OhioLINK會員合作館數量 65
圖4-10 1992-2002年度OhioLINK電子資源資料庫檢索量 66
圖4-11 1993-2002年度OhioLINK聯盟中心聯合目錄書目記錄成長 66
圖4-12 1994-2002年度OhioLINK讀者線上館際合作申請次數 67
圖4-13 1995-2002年度OhioLINK電子全文文獻下載篇數 67
圖4-14 OhioLINK合作採購期刊成本效益分析 68
圖5-1 CALIS網站首頁 85
圖5-2 CALIS組織架構 91
圖5-3 CALIS三級保障體系結構 91
圖5-4 CALIS公共服務軟體系統架構(一期) 95
圖5-5 CALIS資訊資源公共服務平台架構 96
圖5-6 CALIS全國工程中心1995-2000年館際互借申請情況統計 101
圖5-7 CALIS 引進ELSEVIER資料庫2000年7-12月使用統計成果 101
圖5-8 CALIS機構設置管理示意圖 108
圖5-9 CALIS項目管理體系架構 109
圖5-10 CALIS子項目管理程序 109
圖6-1 CONCERT網站首頁 120
圖6-2 CONCERT成員類別分析 122
圖6-3 CONCERT組織架構 122
圖6-4 2002年CONCERT引進之資料庫系統類別 125
圖6-5 CONCERT電子期刊聯合目錄系統網站首頁 129
圖8-1 全國電子資源共享圖書館聯盟組織建議架構 162
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