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研究生(外文):LiYung Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Spatial variability of pelagic and benthic community metabolism in the estuary of Tanshui River
指導教授(外文):HsinJu Lin
中文關鍵詞:淡水河溶氧代謝總基礎生產力呼吸速率P/R ratio
外文關鍵詞:Tanshui Riveroxygen metabolismprimary productivityrespirationP/R ratio
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  由24 h溶氧濃度監測來看,淡水河感潮河段溶氧濃度的變化主要是受到潮汐的影響。漲潮時水層藻類溶氧代謝並沒有地點間的差異,而由逐步複迴歸的結果顯示34% 的水層藻類PB與氨氮濃度呈負關係,主要是受到河流所帶來的污染物所致。華江橋及成美橋之底棲藻類PB有89% 是受到水體之DSi之影響,且其N:Si小於1,顯示了潛在的矽限制。而挖仔尾及關渡則未測得其底棲藻類PB。淡水河主流的底棲群聚呼吸速率隨粒徑越大則呼吸速率越低。而成美橋的底棲群聚呼吸速率則是隨氨氮濃度的升高而升高,主要為台北市生活污水排入所影響。
  水層藻類之日總基礎生產量為93~306 mmol O2 m-3 d-1。水層群聚之日呼吸量為35~130 mmol O2 m-3 d-1。底棲藻類之日總基礎生產量為0~72 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 ,底棲群聚之日呼吸量為6~78 mmol O2 m-2 d-1。水層藻類的日總基礎生產量除了華江橋佔整體的25% 外,其餘在64~100%,水層群聚的日呼吸量佔整體的54~98%,因此,在淡水河主要是以水層之生物群聚的溶氧代謝為主。由P/R ratio來看,淡水河主流之水層生態系為自營性生態系,為有機物的輸出。其水層藻類的總基礎生產力主要是受到氨氮濃度的影響,藻類所產生的氧永遠都被生活用水所流出的有機污染物所消耗。而底棲生態系則為異營性,為有機物的輸入,其呼吸量大於總基礎生產量。
Pelagic and benthic community metabolism were measured in situ in the estuary of Tanshui River. The samples were collected from 4 sites every 3 months on 13 January, 14 April and 12 August at spring tides. The changes in dissolved oxygen concentration were measured in cores with water or with undisturbed sediment to determinate the rates of pelagic and benthic community metabolism. Secondly, this study was conducted to determine whether microalgal biomass, invertebrate abundance, and environmental variables in the water column and sediments affect these metabolic rates.
The results showed that variations in oxygen concentration in Tanshui River were affected by the tides. At spring tides, the pelagic community metabolism at 4 sites showed no significant difference. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that 34% of pelagic PB correlated negatively with the NH4+ from the urban sewage. Of 89% of benthic PB was influenced by the DSi and the molar N:Si ratio <1 indicated the Si-limitation. The benthic PB at Waziwei and Guandu was hardly detected. Benthic respiration was influenced by the median size of sediment at 3 sites in Tanshui River. However, that at Chenmei Bridge was influenced by the concnetration of NH4+.
Daily primary production were 93~306 mmol O2 m-3 d-1 for phytoplankton, and 0~72 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 for microalgal. Daily respiration were 35~130 mmol O2 m—3 d—1 for pelagic community, and 6~78 mmol O2 m-2 d-1 for benthic community. The 64~100% of daily primary production was produced by phytoplankton. The 54~98% of daily respiration was consumed by pelagic community. Total community metabolism in the estuary was thus dominated by the pelagic system. The P/R ratio showed that in the estuary of Tanshui River , autotrophy dominated in the pelagic system and heterotrophy in the benthic system.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄  V
圖目錄 VI
第一章、前言 1
第二章、材料與方法 8
1. 採樣地點 8
2. 採樣方法 8
2.1 水層及底棲群聚溶氧代謝之採樣 8
2.1.1 水層及底棲群聚淨生產力
2.1.2 水層及底棲群聚呼吸速率
2.2 生物因子 9
a 藻類生物量之採樣
b 底棲無脊椎動物生物量之採樣
2.3 環境因子 10
2.3.1 現場水質之測定
2.3.2 水層營養鹽之採樣
2.3.3 底泥化學特性及底泥物理特性之採樣
3. 測量方法 11
3.1生物群聚溶氧代謝之測量 11
3.1.1 單位體積或單位面積之溶氧代謝速率
3.1.2 單位體積或單位面積一日之溶氧代謝量
3.2 藻類生物量之測量 14
3.2.1 水層藻類生物量
3.2.2. 底棲藻類生物量
3.3 底棲無脊椎動物種類與生物量之測量 15
3.4 水層營養鹽之測量 15
3.5 底泥化學特性之測量 17
3.6 底泥物理特性之測量 17
4. 統計分析 19
第三章、結果 24
1. 環境因子 24
1.1 現場水質 24
1.2 水層營養鹽 24
1.3 底泥物理特性及化學特性 25
1.4 一日溶氧濃度之監測 25
2. 生物因子 26
2.1 藻類生物量 26
2.2 底棲無脊椎動物種類及生物量 26
3. 溶氧代謝 27
3.1 水層群聚溶氧代謝 27
3.2 底棲群聚溶氧代謝 28
4 影響總基礎生產力及呼吸速率之主要因子 28
5 日溶氧代謝量及P/R ratio 29
5.1 水層群聚之日溶氧代謝量 29
5.2 底棲群聚之日溶氧代謝量 29
5.3 P/R ratio 30
第四章、討論 49
第五章、結論 56
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